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Trouble with exercising

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Its day 19, and I'm feeling great! I do have a small problem, and I don't think its really whole30 related as I have had this problem before.


I have been having some problems in my yoga sculpt class (which I just started). It is a super intense class, and I of course knew it would be hard and that I'd probably have to stop at times. The problem is I'm usually okay until we start doing any sort of exercise standing up while doing weight lifts that are above the heart (even happens when I drop the weights). I start getting super light headed, my breathing starts to feel restricted, and I have to sit down and take a break. This has happened to me in the past when I've done workouts with a trainer, and it doesn't really change no matter how in shape I am (although I've never been in amazing shape).


Basically, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to help alleviate this? I always make sure I'm properly hydrated, and I feel that I am eating enough (I never go to class hungry). I think I'm going to try and add more starchy vegetables, but I'm not sure if anyone else has other advice. If you want to see what I've been eating, the link to my food log is below my post.



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You should probably consult a doctor.  No one here can offer you medical advice and it sounds like this has been an ongoing issue for you.  


That said, it looks from your log like you are underfed.  I would recommend you familiarize yourself with the meal template linked below. And eggs, when they are your protein, are as many as you can hold in your hand without dropping.  For most people that is at least 3-4.  


If undereating has been ongoing in your life and is being perpetuated while on the Whole30, that is something you might want to consider discussing with your doctor when you talk about your other symptoms; they are likely related.

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Hey ladyshanny, thank you for your reply!


I actually have gotten advice from a doctor in the past, and done plenty of testing on my heart and etc. All is fine on those fronts. Should've mentioned that in my original post.


In terms of the undereating, I certainly have never been an undereater haha...quite the opposite actually. I can see why my meals might seem like they are small on my log, but they are actually usually quite large (protein is usually bigger than a palm). I'm never typically hungry throughout the day either, although I will admit I could probably up my breakfast sometimes (I have super small hands so really only 2 eggs fit in my hand, but I do try to eat 3).


Thank you for the advice though, I will look into trying to increase my meals if I feel I'm still hungry and its not enough...maybe on the days I do yoga sculpt I will eat more as well. Also I'll bring it up again with my doctor if the problem persists.

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I am glad to hear you have already consulted a doctor as this is something to take seriously. Beyond being certain you are eating enough food and drinking enough water, I don't have any ideas for solutions. I am curious, however, about several things that I hope your doctor already investigated.


1. What happens to your heart rate when you lift your arms over head with no weights, versus a light weight, versus a heavier weight? I am wondering if your heart accelerates when pushing overhead and if it accelerates more with more weight. 


2. I wonder how you feel and what your heart rate is like when you have your legs above your head as in a variety of yoga positions. 


If I were your trainer and was not afraid to work with you after becoming aware of this issue, I would put a heart rate monitor on you to see how your body responds in different positions and circumstances. If your heart rate accelerates when you push overhead and with more weight or if you heart rate goes up with your legs above your head, I would send you back to the doctor with this specific information and ask for further assurance that something is not wrong. If you got MD clearance after that, I would focus on body weight work only until your overall fitness was significant. 

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Loulabelle: Yes they do, but it is more of an overall body tiredness and heaviness. When the lightheadedness happens about half way through the class, I typically can push through it but eventually I will sit down to make sure I don't overdo it. Once I sit down, I quickly recover and get back up, but soon it happens again.


Tom: Thanks for your input! To answer your questions: In class, I actually will start with a heavier weight, move down to a lighter, and then finally go with no weight (although lately I skipped the heavier weight to see if it helps with my endurance). In terms of my heart rate, I haven't tested with a heart rate monitor during my exercise classes, so I can only give you my own observations during class. The symptoms begin when I use a weight, and I definitely have more difficulty with more weight, but I cannot answer to whether that's just because I have a hard time lifting at that point in the class or if its due to heart rate. Without weights, I am able to last much longer, but eventually I will also have to take a break with no weights. Thinking about when this happens during class and when it happened in the past, its usually after we're doing exercises that involve quickly going up and down, and then we add in the weights. To answer your second question, I should be clear that this has only been happening during my yoga sculpt class. I take a variety of yoga classes about 5 to 6 times a week including a yoga 1 class, yoga 2 class, and a restorative yoga class. I have had no problems during those classes (all the classes except the restorative one are warm yoga classes...the heat goes up with the difficulty of the class with the easiest being at 85 and the hardest at 95). In poses when I have my legs over my head, I feel perfectly fine.


Your comment about heart rate monitor is interesting. I've actually worked with a trainer in the past and she would monitor the problem as it came up, but we never did anything with a heart rate monitor. I've been considering purchasing some sort of monitor (possibly fit bit with the heart rate monitor), and I'd be interested in seeing what happens during that class. I am now considering maybe bringing this up again with my doctor (although I did go through some serious heart testing about a year ago when I was in the hospital after a surgery).


Thank you all for your comments. I'm starting to realize maybe this wasn't the right place to post about this since its probably not whole30 related, but I really appreciate all the concern. I would like to say that otherwise my whole30 has been great and I'm feeling wonderful besides this!

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Please don't do exercises that lift your arms over your head until you have been evaluated by a vascular specialist. There are lots of things--some trivial, some serious-- that may cause your symptoms, and a vascular specialist (not a cardiac specialist) is the right person to evaluate you.

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I second what tiva says, see a vascular specialist especially as nothing has been found wrong with your heart. I had a vascular problem where the space between my collar bone and first rib was too narrow, this caused blood supply problems to my arms as the sub-clavian vein was pinched in certain positions such as raising my arms above my head. This resulted in similar symptoms to yours but not the same. It is a very rare condition, I've never met anyone else who has had it, I was my surgeons fifth case in 20 years of practise. Diagnosis is only possible with an MRI to measure the veins properly and to fix it I had my rib removed.   

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