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I'm Hungry!


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I am on day 3 and feeling fine, no headaches, or tiredness but I am so hungry! Not like "I could eat" hungry, like "I NEED FOOD NOW!" hungry is this normal???

My Days kind of look like this:

Breakfast Green smoothie-mango, banana kale and coconut water

Coffee: unsweetened almond milk with esspreso

Lunch: Beef Soup with kale, chard zuchini and tomato

Snack: sprouted almonds

Dinner has not happend yet but plan on having pork and cauliflower.

I feel full after I eat but within an hour or 2 my stomach is empty and yelling at me again. I need to make this stop because I work in a bakery and being "starving" is not safe.

Should I eat more even though I feel like I am all ready eating generous serving sizes or should I just wait until my next meal?

Any suggestions appreciated

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I'm not an expert at all, but that list doesn't seem like very much! Every meal is supposed to have a "palm size" portion of protein, a small amount of healthy fats ("thumb size") and lots of veggies.

Also a smoothie for breakfast and soup for lunch is all mostly liquid - maybe you need some more solid foods to help you feel more full?

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Hopefully a Mod will chime in with great advice, but I'm not seeing any protein in your breakfast and what is smoothie-mango? I also see no fat in your breakfast or lunch unless you are just not posting it. Are you drinking a smoothie? They highly recommend that you eat real, whole food that you have to chew. I don't know anything about coconut water.

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I felt like thats what the answer would be but I feel like I am eating large portions, yesterday I had a chicken breast for lunch with roasted kale and beets and 3 hours later I ate the same thing. Feels like I am eating a lot but now that I am looking at it, maybe its not enough. Thanks!

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Hi there,

I was really hungry for the first few days too, and sometimes now at day 27, I'm still hungry because I'm still learning to eat properly. If you follow the guidelines and make sure you have plenty of healthy fat, you should see this normalize in a couple of days.

No protein and fat for breakfast will definitely get your body off to a rough start and mess with your homones.

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Yeah, you've gotten good feedback about needing to eat more and to make sure you get protein and fat with each meal. For me personally, if I have a weak breakfast and lunch, I often can't make up for it by eating heavy at supper. I think that is especially true when you are first beginning to eat this way.

One note: Unless you are making the almond milk yourself, it is probably not Whole30-compliant. None of the stuff you can buy in a carton is okay. They all have unacceptable ingredients.

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Hey Kem5188, I'm Day 3 also!! I'll be honest with you, I have been having very large protein portions and I feel FAB. I mean three eggs in the morning portion but I'm very slightly hungry between meals. And snacking, don't get me started on how I needed a pick me up, even if it was fruit, almost nonexistent. Today for lunch I had to go to a restaurant for a business meal, no way around it, I had fresh crab and shrimp on lettuce no dressing but lots of lemon. Trust me, I'm afraid of the hungry afternoon so I ate more of that salad than I think I ever did. Stay in touch!

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Hi kmg -

This is pretty common to experience during the first week, when you're getting your portions straightened out, but I concur with all of the above advice. All of your meals should follow the meal planning template outline (which generally requires there to be a plate in front of you ;0) ). And like an above poster said - if you don't have to chew it, it's not a meal. It's a beverage.

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