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HeyHey! Looking Forward to a July 6th Start


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Like everyone else starting soon, I'm excited and a bit nervous...yet strangely confident. I think it has to do with committing not to cheat - at all. It's simpler somehow. 


I'm also happy to find this community. Knowing that there are so many people also on this journey is invigorating! It also makes me feel like there's hope for all the people on this planet who are struggling with their health and their diet.


I really am looking forward to the Whole30 and hope to get to know some of you along the way.




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Hi Janine....I too am starting on the 6th and am a bit nervous. I'm dedicating this week to cleaning out the pantry, reading more about the plan and prepping whole foods! I wish you luck and hope we can stay in touch for support.

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Hi Janine and Kharyn - I too am planning on starting on July 6th - next Monday!! Yikes!  I have never done anything like this before so I am nervous but so excited. A friend of mine did it and was thrilled with the energy she gained.  My husband is also going to be doing the program and 2 of my 3 girls are on board (the 17 year wants nothing to do with it!)  None of us are good veggie eaters so I am concerned about that (and going without dairy and grains sounds crazy) but the potential health benefits are so amazing that I feel we have to give it a try. 


Did some grocery shopping yesterday but found it difficult to get the items I needed at the local wal-mart.  Going to have to expand my shopping realm!  Made some headway on emptying out the pantry but have a bit more work to do there too.  Planning on doing a lot of meal prep on Sunday!


Good luck to us all!


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Hi Tia,

I found most of my items at my local grocery store and at whole foods for more particular items. Not sure where you live and if they have health food stores but many off items I found there. My biggest worry will be no cream with coffee, so I guess I may be giving that up. Not fond of black coffee. Oh, and sweets and wine. Lol. Perseverance it what I need for the next 30! Best of luck to you and all the rest that are joining. I'll be back to this post to report my ongoing status.

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Ok Day 5 now!  How are we doing?  I survived a bachelorette party last night - yay me - but had a food hangover (wasn't that supposed to be on day 3?) in the morning  - no fair!! But a couple of Tylenol and a quick run and I'm feeling good.  Going out of town tonight for a triathlon tomorrow - not sure how that will go - got lots of larabars packed!  I haven't gotten to the "extra energy" stage yet so that means I have a built in excuse if I do poorly.  How are you guys feeling?

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