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Day 24/25 and hungry every two hours again...whaaat?

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So I was doing very well with eating my three meals a day and not snacking (it felt awesome!). But two days ago, something switched and I was starrrrrving at 9pm. I had a pear because it was the only thing available (I was camping and everything was closed). Then yesterday two hours after I ate lunch (I had to eat out so I had a salad with octopus, spinach, and potatoes) and two hours later I was starving. When I got home, about 3.5 hours had passed since lunch (and I knew it was on the small side) so I went ahead and ate my dinner: 1 large chix breast with zuchini, 1 small bowl of ratatouille with 1 egg on top and 10 almonds. I thought that would be a big enough meal to tide me over until morning, but it was not so 2 hours later I had 1/2 hard boiled egg and 2 small potatoes with three small pieces of panscietta. Before I went to bed I felt hungry again (about another 2 hours after egg pot and panscietta) so I had 1.5 hard boiled eggs and some bell pepper with olive oil.

Things that might be contributing to this: I think I am going to get my period soon and It is extremely hot out (100 plus degrees). I also had a weird day eating-wise yesterday because I wasn't able to eat a full breakfast 1 hour after waking. I have not been able to workout due to heat (but today I walked around an art show for 6 hours).

Now I am awake at 4 am and starving... What is the best way to get back on track for tomorrow? Breakfast and lunch are generally fine but it is after dinner when the extra hunger comes on strong.

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In the week or so leading up to your period, it's not unusual to be more hungry than usual. You may also find you're really craving carbs/sweets. That's okay, it's just your body telling you it needs food to do the things it needs to do at this point in your cycle. Eat. Really, it's okay. Up your starchy vegetable consumption, and just in general eat more.


There's been several discussions of this in the past -- google whole30 pms -- but this older thread has a nice explanation of the why behind the phenomenon.

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