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HELP! day 23 and the sugar is screaming at me!!


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Okay...I have been logging daily and have made such progress. I have stayed completwly away from dried fruit and nuts during this time because they usually lead to other unhealthy food choices for me. But after todays workout I was so hungry and felt so good, I ended up diving into a bowl of the stuff. Still whole 30 yes, but now my sugar and sweet cravings are so strong I'm barely able to turn my eyes from the cookies in the cupboard!

Help get me through this friends! Only one week left!!!

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If it helps, the sugar will probably just make you feel worse. I ate a bunch of sugar after only 2 days off it, and I feel horrible! Think of how bad you'll feel if you cave, that usually motivates me :)

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Two words: extinction burst.

Starve the beast.

It will pass... just after you barely avoid almost killing someone-eating a pie-pulling your hair out-insert rash action here.

And Elise is right, I made it through my August Whole 30 (and a wicked extinction burst!!) only to sugar up. And felt like absolute crap.

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Thanks guys, I made through without doing anything too crazy. They had it right when they said the sugar dragons would be poking their nose in our program right about now. Today will be another good day, and I can feed my sweet cravings with fruit because it only makes it stronger!

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