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Bloating, gas, diarhea after whole30 when eating out


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I completed my whole30 and felt great. I did my reintroduction more or less as planned. Twice now I have eaten in two different restaurants and have gotten violently sick. Both restaurants I had vegetarian India food. One I had yogurt, the other I didn't. Both I had wheat, rice, lentils. It was very bad reaction, almost like food poisoning where I was up from 8pm to 4am constantly running to the bathroom. What gives? I had food in both restaurants before my whole30 without any issues. How do I troubleshoot this? I am almost afraid to eat out now and that is not good.

Thanks for your help

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When you did your re-intro, did you do yogurt and rice and lentils and wheat all in the same meal?  Sometimes the reaction is cumulative and a 'bit' of ONE thing might not bother you but mixed with a 'bit' of this and a 'bit' of that, could cause that reaction...

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Your gut develops a thick mucosal lining when you eat foods that irritate it. During a Whole30, when you are not eating foods that irritate, that thick lining sloughs off. And, the composition of your gut bacteria changes. This makes you more sensitive to irritating foods when you consume them. That is helpful and makes it easier to recognize foods that are a problem for you when you do reintroductions. 


We ask you to eat perfectly compliant for 30 days because that insures that your gut makes these adjustments. Then we ask you to do careful introductions of one food group at a time so you can sort out which food is a problem and maybe which food you can get by with eating. When you eat a lot of off-plan foods at once, you can't know which one caused the problem and, as mentioned already, the cumulative effect of the bunch may make things worse.


If you are sure you want to keep eating all these foods, just keep eating them. Your mucosal lining with thicken again and you will regrow different gut bacteria. Then you will be able to handle what you ate as well as you did before. The changes are not permanent. You will, however, not feel great anymore. I really am sorry about that. 

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