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Starting August 10th - Family


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Planned to start the Whole30 last fall, but "life" happened.  Starting August 10th, this time with my wife on board to do it with me.  We're both reading the Whole30 book in preparation, and we've started planning...and deleting a few events from our calendar that would be major temptations!  We are both determined to make permanent lifestyle changes, so I believe we'll find success together.


We have two boys (2.5 years and 2 months old), and we want to build healthy habits for them now so they don't end up fighting the same bad habits we've been facing all our life.

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Hi I will also be starting August 10th once I return from vacation and a wedding. I have been looking for solutions to my digestion problems and random aches and pains. I have stopped eating dairy, wheat and grains since last week in preparation for the whole30 so the first day will be a less of a shock.

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Thanks for the encouragement...I'm sure we'll be back regularly for more!  The "hangover" in the first few days will probably be pretty bad for us, since we've fallen off the deep end when it comes to eating junk.  Having young kids in the house (and the lack of extra time/sleep) gave us an "excuse" for making poor food choices. We're really looking forward to making positive changes to our lifestyle!

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I was going to wait until September to start, but I decided sooner is better. I'll be starting with you guys on August 10th! I've been eating junk and not taking care of myself for so long that I've almost forgotten what's healthy and what's not. I've even packed on 50+ lbs!

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