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Losing too much weight...

Wendy Fast

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Hello fellow forum readers,

I have been on the Paleo diet for one week and my super metabolism along with the healthy eating is causing me to lose even more weight. Before beginning this lifestyle change I was a size 4 at 5 foot 6. I am 33 years old with three children and just had my third child 11 months ago. I decided to do this diet for mood control, mental clarity, avoidance of health problems as I get older and for mindfulness when eating. I am concerned about controlling my weight as I do not want to be a bean pole when eating healthy. Would anyone be able to share with me some tips on how to control my weight? I greatly appreciate any feedback! Thank you...


Wendy Fast

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I wrote this for another topic...

Keep eating veggies for the nutrition, but eat 2 palm-size portions of protein at every meal. Choose fatty meats like sausage, pork, and rib eye steak frequently. Add a fried egg on top of meat in your meals.

Add avocado slices to meals or mash up avocados with lime juice and include the mash on top of meats. Add olives to meals. Eat olives whole or run them through a food processor to make a tapenade and add it to meals. Add nuts to stir-fries, baked sweet potatoes, or chop them up and sprinkle on top of some veggies. Add coconut flakes to baked sweet potatoes.

Prepare meals with coconut milk frequently. I like to stew fish or chicken in coconut milk with spices.

Eat 4 or 5 meals per day if that is what you need to maintain your weight.

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