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whole 30 during kitchen/house reno


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I am trying to figure out how to do the w30 during a kitchen/house reno. I do not have access to my kitchen but I do have access to my fridge and a tiny toaster oven. 


My dining room is currently the catch-all for everything downstairs as we are also in the middle of a reno of the living area so not a lot of prep space. 


We are currently using paper products because the sink I have access to is a tiny one upstairs or one in the basement that also doubles as the drain area for our washer. So while I do use some kitchen items that need to be washed, I'm limited. 


I also have 3 kids (who are not doing w30, but who take up a fair amount of my time).


I am assuming most of my meals will be cold/raw, but was wondering if a meal plan exists for similar situations?


Any help would be lovely.



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Eating a lot of raw veg is going to be very hard on your digestive system, and relying on anything 'convenient' like nuts, nut butters, fruits/dried fruits or bars of any kind will greatly impact your results.

You could use jars of pickled vegetable, boiled eggs, olives, compliant jerky etc as many people do for road trips, but 30 days of eating that way is pushing it a bit.

Do you have a slow cooker that you can plug in elsewhere?

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