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Day 1 Sept. 10

Marissa Wilson Johnson

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Drank my coffee black - think I can do this. I brewed a flavored coffee very weak and it was palatable. I have always needed at least 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar and a little creamer and was pleasantly surprised with my morning joe today.

I had a successful Day 1, but now have an incredible headache. Hoping to slay this sugar dragon really soon :unsure:

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Hi Marissa,

Good job. I have always liked my coffee rich with cream, but switched to butter a few weeks ago, then when I started Whole30 on 9/4 I tried it with clarified butter but wasn't impressed. So now I am drinking my coffee black. I bought expensive beans from a local company who buys from a small farmer in South America. Good quality coffee is quite enjoyable black. Hang in there. The headache will go away eventually! -Diana

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Hi there! I started yesterday as well, on a request via another 'paleo' buddy of mine here. So the black coffee thing is hard, I switched to black over a year ago... I did it however, by slowly reducing the amount of creamer, until it was bairly any in there. I was ADDICTED to coffeemate hazenut flavor - it was rediculous. It took me about a week, and even when I stopped, it took a bit to remind myself WHY I was doing it.

I now drink black coffee only and occassionally put in a spoonful of coconut oil, just because I want to incorporate more coconut oil into my diet. (its an excellent energy source)

Have you tried to source some coconut milk without preservatives (guar gum, etc)? You can make your own, just by processing coconut flakes. Coconut milk is an excellent creamer substitute to help you break the creamer habit!

Anyway, good luck on your 30!

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Thanks for your responses.

Diana- I have to know - Why did you try it with clarified butter?

Shannon - Does the coconut oil leave a film on top? I may try this tomorrow morning.

I looked at coconut milk in the regular grocery store tonight and it had alot of extra stuff in it. Will try the organic market tomorrow hoping to find something in its natural form.

While trying to go black, I'm not drinking as much - caffeine consumption has gone way down ^_^

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Day 3 was a considerable challenge for me - but I DID IT!!!

I am a serious sugar addict. It was my boss' birthday and his wife brought in a 15 lb. carrot cake! All of our patients were eating cake, it sat on our reception counter all day, and when I was closing down the office for the night, I had to close up the cake box. I was sooo tempted to just snag a morsel of that beautiful icing and and little crumble of cake. But I am tenacious when I decide to do something, and dangit, I closed up that box and went home a very happy, satisfied woman :)

My fog has lifted today, my clothes fit better - another day down.

Good luck Quinn. Is this your first Whole30?

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Hey Marissa, Nice job on not giving in. Very good! Your journey is much like mine.

This is my first Whole30. How about you? And, this is day 5 for me. Really feeling much better. And, even though my wife hid the scale, I know that I have lost weight, even in just 5 days. I think I am going to be blown away....

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Quinn, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when the scale reappears. Glad to hear you're feeling much better.

I had a burst of energy this morning between 8 and noon - which was such a bonus! My morning headaches are very short in duration and will hopefully be nonexistent in the next day or so. I think most of it comes from caffeine withdraw - since I can't "doctor" my coffee, I'm drinking less.

My tight pants went on without having to wiggle into them this morning. It's sooo hard to avoid the scale, but I'm holding out for a big surprise in another 25 days.

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