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Full Tilt Boogie


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I felt the release just now.  I've been wanting to talk about drive-by fruitings for a long time.  


If you're in it for the long haul,  that single serving of beautiful fresh berries can give you the berry glow. It may mean the difference between returning to Groundhog Day and being able to see the positive side effects of "weight releasing".   This is the strategy that has worked for me.


I can even use nuts for a decoration.   I don't eat them by the handful.   Nuts for a decoration and fruit for a condiment.  That's been my modus operandi.   I'm not robbing any banks and I'm staying in my own lane.   Death by lack of Cheetos seems highly unlikely at this point.   It's not raining taco chips UP in here and potato chips aren't sweeping me off my feet.  Spud Dud. 




Anything it says I can have in ISWF....I do that. 


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Food on the Go


Rest-Stop Ready

On the Road



My idea of food on the go is a large salad.  I have kale, kimchi, olives, sundried tomatoes, roasted garlic, tomato, mushrooms, spring greens, leafy greens, some berries and topped off with 2 cans of fish.   eating1-smiley.gif?1292867587

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I just enjoyed your writing on the topic of fruit and nuts - you always make me laugh, Meadowlily. I'm currently working my way though my frozen berry stash, 1/2 cup at a time. No berry binges so far. Nuts, however, I do not keep on hand. I love them more than they love me.

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Choosing fruit is Risky Business for some but not for me.  Fruit tastes tart if you were eating a high sugar sugar or upside down artificial sugar diet for years but incredibly sweet if you're not.  It has fiber with beauty but not more than a serving or two aday.


I prefer grilled fish for breakfast. Fish. Fish. Fish.  A key issue is not only what works for an individual but whether our choices are sustainable and enjoyable ten years from now.



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I really like the way they serve rocket salad on top of meals and leftovers in Italy with lots of yummy EVOO.  Rocket salad on top of steak and grilled salmon is so good.  Whisk together the EVOO and Balsamic Vinegar in a large bowl.  Add the cucumber, tomatoes, arugula, toss to coat.  Season to taste with salt and pepper before serving.

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When you have a  small window and must think fast on your feet  and faced with play foods, faux foods, foe foods that you're emotionally attached to...


Thrill eating is fluff.  Like smoke.  It makes you forget your worries for half a minute but there's nothing right about that either.  Play foods are not your friends.

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We don't live out of cans.  You can but we can't.  My family won't touch fish out of a can.  We go fishing. That's hard to do if you live in a city or the desert regions.   


I shop around the perimeters of the grocery store.  I know that everything is strategically placed on the shelves...center aisles.  Even the number of steps from the front door to the dairy in the back of the store.  Dairy is always at the back of the store because along the way you'll find all of the highly engineered to be craved foods. 


Eye level are the big sellers.  Boxed cereals.  On the bottom shelves you'll find the oats, corn meal and so on.   The store is a road map for trickery triggers.  At the front, you'll find the bakery and cake wrecks. 


There may be a chicken wing assortment wafting at your nose as you make your first steps in.  Now you're hungry.  As you head for the milk and dairy,  there's nothing but the center aisles filled with sugars, upside down sugars.  It's raining taco chips and potato chips will sweep you off your feet. There's candy and dried fruit and nutty snacks with more pretzels.  Oooo, it's more strategery and trickery triggery. 


Those center aisles are a landshark.  There's a candygram with your name on it as soon as you step through the doors.  Do not seek the treasure.   Hang to the perimeters.   


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I think of you all the time When open my can of tuna... Living in a landlocked country, I find it difficult to source fresh fish... When I was in Australia, and we ate fresh fish just coming out of the water, what a difference! It spoiled me for life, and I'd rather have canned tuna than the slimy fresh tuna steak sold "fresh" at the counter!

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I think of you all the time When open my can of tuna... Living in a landlocked country, I find it difficult to source fresh fish... When I was in Australia, and we ate fresh fish just coming out of the water, what a difference! It spoiled me for life, and I'd rather have canned tuna than the slimy fresh tuna steak sold "fresh" at the counter!

Oooo, don't you know it.   The fresh fish is never fresh at the fish counter.  It stinks to high heaven and ruins half the grocery store.  You have to hold your nose when you pick up your soap right near the fish.

Horrid,  I'm telling you.   I have no idea how they work back there.   The pharmacy is right by it and it really bothers them.   That fish is the bottom of the barrel. 


We've tried to buy frozen boxes of cod and it is not cod.  The butcher even said so. It's labeled as cod but it's some old whitefish.  Labeling trickery.  He told us it's just the way. Won't do that again.  There's not enough cod and halibut to go around the world. Fishes are disappearing.


Remember what Tom Denham says about your 2 Brazil Nuts with your can of fish.  There are times on the road you have to eat canned fish and I always pack two nuts. 

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