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Food Combining?

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Hey everybody!! :) 


So...I've been hearing/reading a lot lately about food combinations....(I know this is more of a topic for vegans) but it got me wondering about our paleo lifestyle as well.....is food combining something we should be concerned about? Is there a proper order to eat foods in to prevent bloating, etc....Any and all info on this would be amazing! :) It's something I'm curious about. 

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 I did a food combining protocol years ago.. Combo 1:  Fats and Protein (no carbs)  Combo 2: Carbs & veggie (no fat or protein);  fruit to be eaten by itself.  The premise is how the body interprets the combination of food going in. The protocol also frowned on beans.  Also, when I did the program, I never heard about CLEAN eating. 


Having done that (years ago) gave me more info when investigating WHOLE 30.


Personally, what I am liking about WHOLE 30 we are basically doing the Fats/Proteins/Veggies (including potatoes/sweet potatoes)-- but we are eliminating grains, sugar, beans and dairy (which (excluding beans, was allowed in the food combining protocol I did) - But by eliminating them for 30 days is much healthier...especially for me.  In my opinion CLEAN EATING is so much healthier.

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Whole30 recommends following the meal template, which combines fat, protein, and carbs all at once. That's about all the food combining that Whole30 really talks about. In general, we tell people not to eat fruit on its own, because it can spike blood sugar -- but that really isn't what you're talking about.


You might find these articles interesting: from Mark's Daily Applepodcast from Chris Kresser (with transcript)

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Shannon is spot on.  Food fads come and go.  Years ago, people were eating alot of fruit first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  I have no idea who thought of that one but that's nightmare fuel for anyone with blood sugar issues.  Food combining.   Proteins, Fats and Vegetables.  Yes, a fruit at the end.  Good enough for me.

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