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Optimistic Prime


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This is a continuation of my life after a Whole 30. The invaluable information here on the forum is amazing. There's so much for so many people to see and share.

At the end of July I completed a Whole 30. Let me tell you it took me a few tries but the third time's a charm, so they say.

This is the prime of my life. I just came closer to seeing Senior years really soon. I'll give it my all. That's the thing to do. Waaaay back when I approached 40 I took the bull by the horns and lost a bunch of weight working super hard.

The physical toll would not be felt until now.

I've never given up on myself although others have.

This is the way out of the multitude of sins I've created. I'm a work in progress.

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Finished lunch now. It was okay. The last of my homemade mayo is done.

I had 2 hard boiled eggs with a can of wild caught tuna, chopped lettuce, cukes, yellow cherry tomatoes, my mayo. 16 oz glass water with lemon. I'm a bit short on the water today.

By this time I usually have had 75% water intake. I'll work on that.

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I'm planning to make pork loin for supper. I'll think about it. I use my head. It's for creating many recipes. I have the books yet when you cook as much as I do your recipies are made up on your own head. Been cooking 5 decades.

My sister used to say "she doesn't use recipies pfff" lol. Somebody had to create them!

I only use baking recipes for special things.

I don't need recipies just ideas.

I'm a firm believer that your food should taste good TO YOU.

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My husband and I just returned from Church. It feels good to pray for all our intentions including those who are on our minds and we're not necessarily on theirs lol. We are faithful.

This morning I felt something different. I'm wondering if this could be an extinction burst.


Nevertheless it's okay. I have plenty of energy. I just finished putting together a tomato sauce with chicken thighs. I don't post in Recipies or Cooking anymore. There's enough to go around for sure. I find since I've been cooking all these years, most people aren't interested in our traditional dishes. I'm forgetting that they weren't even born then or grew up with different eating styles lol.

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Dairy Reintroduction:

Breakfast was eaten around 8 am this morning. It consisted of a 4 egg/fresh tomato/sliced crispy pork/ regular butter dish. I've decided to have a coffee along with heavy cream. Just one for a proper dairy reintroduction (cream).

I felt rumbly in my tum. I will try later again.

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There’s a science-y term for what you’re experiencing: extinction burst. Any time you quit something cold-turkey, your brain will make a last-ditch effort to return you to your habit. Once you become accustomed to a reward (like sugar), your brain gets really, really mad when you can’t have it, and tends to throw a temper-tantrum as a final, desperate attempt to get rewarded again. - See more at: http://whole30.com/2013/07/dear-melissa-cooking-for-two-and-day-ten-tantrums/#sthash.Dr4GNULQ.dpuf

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Things don't always work the way we intended.

People react in different situations uniquely.

Just a mere word will change the context of the intention, a compliment.

Today it seems this society has become so jaded jumpy jack-in-the-boxes we tend to hold on to our words carefully. I like the old days when no one took offense.

They can't hear see or feel your voice inflections in text. Most hold no literary degrees.

I've read so many giving advice even on a personal level. Yet I'm being told stay out ..you don't know what you are saying.

Real Friends don't publicly humiliate each other.

Especially since they don't have the story straight. So if you let them into your world they tell all. Sad. Sad. Bewildered.

I've forgotten what they didn't learn yet lol.

My goodness gracious let's be kind, loving smart poster children. I've been told "I love your work" from persons on the other side of the world.

What's happening to our society?

People thrive on power, control, criticisms, jealously, envy. I don't know that world. I don't live like that. I find the good in each individual and try to bring it out. Praise is contagious.

Sure I've had my share of the heartache. I'm the outsider trying to show that there's another way to live. They treat their dogs better. Forgive and forget about it. I move on easily. It's second nature to me. I practice what I preach.

I have a loving family life. Good old friends too. I'm blessed. I know this.

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My current schedule for a Reintroduction is:

Skipping most legumes

Today: dairy cows cream, butter, mozzarella,


8/30: gluten such as artisan bread, egg pasta,

Oats*, farro

9/6: non-gluten grains such as rice

9/9: quinoa

9/11: polenta

9/14: peas

9/17: peanut butter

Reintro completed


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9 March, 2015

Welcome to Dear Melissa, where we answer your questions about transitioning into or completing a Whole30, successfully sticking to your new healthy habits, and figuring out how to make this lifestyle work in the real world. Today, we’re talking about dealing with a weight loss stall post-Whole30.

- See more at: http://whole30.com/2015/03/dear-melissa-change/#sthash.TpCNjC1N.dpuf

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As I approached 25 years of age I thought it was the worst thing. A quarter of a century. Looking back I don't know why. I was fit trim 118 lbs. happy healthy no diets ever. I didn't know how. I ate like a bottomless pit. My dad said it would catch up with me someday......Worked three jobs and socialized.

I survived on broiled steak salad and potato at dinner time. I ate chicken and tuna salad on rye for lunch. Breakfast was always scrambled eggs with American cheese. I never ate fruit, nuts, junk food. Sunday was always macaroni with meat, tomato sauce. One meal usually. I rarely ate salad. The

This is pretty much what I plan to eat again. With the exception of course of 3 meals, addition of fats veggies some fruit and a variety of Protien.

I'll only add artisan bread occasionally along with sweets on special occasions. I don't have a sugar dragon it's rather salty.

I know now the reason I gained weight in my 30s was coffee addiction, the addition of junk food along with massive stress in my mid 30s.

Fast forward 10 yrs. lost 70 lbs. kept it off for 3 years by 50 I slowly gained back 20 lbs.... now 8 years later it's way more.

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