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6 days into my first Whole30!


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Hey everyone!


I started my first Whole30 six days ago. I am 32 years old, 30 pounds over weight, have zero energy, I can feel my health declining, and I have the most emotionally unhealthy relationship with food ( sugar, in particular) of anyone I know. 


I struggle with Mental Illness, and as a result I use food to cope, to comfort and to reward. 


My Mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last year, and a friend recently diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. 


I decided that I need to take control of my eating habits and do everything I can do be happy and healthy, and finally realized that it starts with how I fuel my body. 


My physical symptoms so far have been limited to head aches. 


The mental symptoms, however, are really tough. Today I wanted sugar in my coffee so badly that I stood in my kitchen in front of the empty sugar bowl ( I knew enough to remove all the sugar from the house prior to starting) and wept like a baby. Never before has my addiction to sugar been so apparent. That was motivation enough to drink my coffee without the sugar!


So far, I feel good. I haven't experienced any of the gastro issues a lot of people report, so I'm a little worried that's ahead for me. I have slightly more energy this week than usual, and on Thursday and Friday I didn't hit my 3 pm wall at work!


Looking forward to next week!

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That's great!! As someone who is preparing to start on September 1st, I was kind of nervous to read your post about being 6 days in. I thought you'd have stories of gloom and doom to report, but it sounds like you are doing WONDERFULLY!! Keep it up! :) Your post gives me another ounce of confidence that I can do this, too. So, thank you!

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