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Tylenol, Advil & pain relief medications


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I started my first Whole30 this morning, which I am very excited about.  This past weekend as I was cleaning out my cupboards I started reading the labels on my Tylenol and Advil and noticed that there are ingredients that are not  compliant to the plan.  I also noticed that it also includes the "no-name" version of these products.


I suffer from occasional headaches, especially during barometric pressure changes (rain/snow storms) and the thought that taking an Advil in order to relieve my headache will also ruin my Whole30 is a little distressing - any advice?

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You can take pain medications if you need them, regardless of ingredients.  We suggest trying alternate methods first (water, nap, peppermint oil, meditation etc) but if they don't work, don't feel like you have to suffer through it.

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Thanks for the help!  I have heard that applying peppermint oil to the back of your neck, forehead and temples will help relieve headaches.  Seeing Ladyshanny mentioned it above I wondered if this is what you were talking about.  Have you tried it?

I have a peppermint roll on for headaches.  It "helps" in that it's a bit of misdirection. If you apply it in an unbroken "halo" around your hairline, front to back, it gives a different sensation...and the smell can open sinuses/relieve congestion.  Depends what kind of headache you have....but I've never regretted using it.

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