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Wow, challenging day 1!


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So work (busy medical office) is the most challenging place for me, and I had lunch all planned out: roasted cauliflower, sauteed greens and mushrooms, and chicken hash. Imagine my dismay when I got to lunchtime and discovered I had brought the container full of leftover roasted cauliflower and not my lunch! Rescued by a coworker who keeps a can of tuna at the office, which we split along with the cauliflower. However this was not optimal protein or fat for this meal! Filled in with apple and almond butter, not optimal but way better than succumbing to temptations on the way home. Note to self: 3 cans of tuna will live in my desk from now on! At least my dinner (formerly lunch) was already made when I got home.

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Keep up the great attitude and readiness to lemonade out of lemons. I did the same thing once and did an emergency trip to a supermarket during lunch. I also keep some packets of compliant pouched salmon and a jar of compliant salsa - salsa makes great emergency tuna salad.

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