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Fat cells screaming for rebound weight gain

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The closer I get to my optimum setpoint...the louder my body is screaming for me to eat it all back.  I've upped my super fats and protein.   When you have larger amounts of weight to release,  why do the fat cells fight even harder.  How can you shrink or silence them when you're approaching your setpoint? 

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Mr. Denham - when you arrived at your optimum setpoint and have managed to stay there for years....did your body rebel in any way.    If you have any Whole 30 tips to get through raging cravings that are coming from my brain  {I'm not hungry} ...I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and opinions.  


These have only kicked up recently.  

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Is it psychological? All that change, being a "new" person, fear of ultimate failure? Fear of success? These were issues for me several years ago and it took some soul searching to make sure that my head was in the right place.


Also note that you may have actually increased your metabolism over time so you may be legitimately hungry.  Try upping your meals by a few bites of everything and see if that helps quell the noise.


Edited to add:  is it possible that you have experienced a hormonal shift with your menstrual cycle and actually need more fat/carbs the week leading up to and of your period?

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I'm not hungry.  I've upped my fats and proteins.    Like Mr. Denham,  I know you've accomplished much, Lady Shanny.   My two optimum setpoint heroes.  Maintainer experts.  


I've been working on my brain for a long time.  I have to ask you both this question.   When you reach a higher weight...does that permanently damage fat cell memories.  Are they hardwired for rebound because I let it get out of hand?


Like a balloon that's  been stretched to the limit and then it explodes everywhere.   :D I feel like a droopy balloon that wants to be blown back up with helium and then released into the atmosphere.  :lol: 

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It's not so much that you "damage" the ones you have but as I understand it, fat cells never go away and the heavier you are the more fat cells you have. So you lose fat, the cells deflate but they stay in you forever.  And as soon as they have the opportunity, they fill back up.  I think this is why rebound weight gain happens SO fast.......because the framework is already in place just waiting to be re-filled.


It could very well be a late-game extinction burst, too.  Over a year of relative restriction (ie, no sugars, no treats etc) could have your brain fighting a last ditch effort to go back to "the way things were".  This is also likely to contribute to rebound weight gain happening so quickly....because one taste of whatever your "thing(s)" are could open the flood gates to nowhere good.

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I read a study several years ago -- a decade or more now -- that had been done in Sweden on former obese people who had lost weight and kept it off, and it can take 8 years or longer before former fat cells can be re absorbed into the body. Of course, that study, as I said was more than a decade ago, so findings might have changed since then. But I know the feeling. 

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This is what I have been dealing with for YEARS-and any overweight teenager anywhere. Up and down, up and down. Some days the cravings are less-sometimes more. The closer I get to where I want to be-my body tends to tease me.....look ahead at that healthy, calm, beautiful place of self acceptance--NOT SO FAST, fatty!!! I fear I will be fighting this battle in my next life.

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