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Day 15 half way!

Alison Webster

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Hey All,

Today is day 15, can I get a WooHoo?!! I am not new to the Whole30 this is my second time through. Last year at this time I attended Dallas and Melissa's seminar at one of the local CrossFit boxes. It forever changed how I look at food. I had read Robb Wolf's book The Paleo Solution months before and was essentially eating Paleo for 6 months before meeting D & M and the Whole 30.

The Whole 30 seminar put everything into perspective it was awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone if they come to your area of the world. I recently read their book and was blown away again. It reaffirmed my cause, which I needed. (everyone needs a good kick in the pants now and then)

I did my first W30 last year and did really well. Over the year kind fell back into some bad habits. This time I have fine tuned my diet to get lean and strong. This time in order to become fat adapted and stay there I have decided to only allow my self one serving of fruit a day and limit nuts and seeds.

For the last year I have been Going to CrossFit 4 days a week... (yes I am an addict). I am staring down my 46th birthday next month and I feel stronger and fitter than I have in years. I am 5'2" and currently about 140lbs. I know that sound heavy for my height (I don't generally used my scale) but I am a size 6. Last time I was a size 6 I weighed about 120lbs. What does that say? Get off the scale people! The tape measure is my friend or when I have to shop for smaller pants.

Anyway my goals are in reach my performance in the gym is steadily improving and I am not intimidated by food choices anymore. If I can do it anyone can! Age is only a number!

Sorry for the rambling message but I am a believer!

Good luck an God Bless!

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