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Non-Bitter Coffee


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So I'm starting the Whole30 on Monday, November 2nd.  I drink a lot of coffee with sugar and creamer because I don't like the bitter taste.  Can anyone recommend a "good" coffee that does not have the bitter taste so I can drink it black?

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I'm with you here. I tried cold brewed coffee with a bag preground and next time I'm going to try grinding them myself. Feedback is the fresher the bean the better the cold brew is. Mine has a hint of bitter but I cut it using coconut milk. It's actually pretty good.

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Bitter coffee is normally caused by burning it. Check the temperature at which you are brewing and try to make it a couple of degrees cooler. Also good beans make a big difference, if you can go to a local specialist coffee supplier and get your beans from them rather than using mass produced beans that are burned by default.

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I buy the best coffee I can find (whole bean and grind the night before or even once a week, keep in a canister) Starbucks beans are fine but there are even better brands out there. Try Peet's or a local coffee house. Brew in a French Press for a richer flavor. It takes just long enough to boil water, pour into the press then let it brew for 4-5 minutes while you grab your breakfast! I also just love the ritual of it. And try coconut milk as a creamer or froth it to make a latte. Delicious!!!

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

I've found lighter roasts are what helped me come to actually want black coffee.  I never used sugar but boy did I love my half and half :)  I like Starbuck's Blonde and (oddly) Trader Joe's Joe (which gets awful reviews pretty much everywhere!).  In general I think Columbian beans are a safer bet for less bitterness.  


But if you really *hate* black coffee this might be a good time to try to transition away from it.  Maybe use some caffeinated teas to help get over the caffeine addiction but then open yourself up to all kinds of herbal options.  

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An Aeropress or a Chemex (google them!) are great ways to make non-bitter coffee but they require time and attention.  I do both on occasion, but I also like my Trader Joe's Medium Roast K-cups.  Yes, I said K-cups.  I know all the coffee connoisseurs just gasped or rolled their eyes!  But truly, it's good basic smooth drinking coffee.  I actually like the same TJ's Medium roast in my Aeropress or my Chemex as well and you can't beat the price.


Another 'trick' to drinking coffee black for the first time?  Put it in a stainless steel travel mug with a lid.  When you can't see that it's black, it's easier to wrap your brain around it.  I did that for the first few weeks of my first Whole30.  At the end, I couldn't wait to go back to my heavy cream in my coffee and what do you know?  I hated it.  I only like coffee black now!


Drinking coffee black has made life so much easier that it's one of my favorite 'results' of my first Whole30. :)

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My best results came from giving up coffee altogether.  It took a very long time but I couldn't adjust to black coffee.  It always felt like battery acid even after a meal.   When I kicked my coffee addiction to the curb, that's when everything really kicked into gear.   Cortisol nightmares and hormonal belly fat started to loose it's hold over me.


I'm not going back to coffee.  You know, before I started drinking a pot of coffee aday,  I didn't have belly fat issues.   I think it's taken a month for every year of drinking coffee to undo the damage.  It's another good decision I've made with the Whole 30.  

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