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still no raw veggies day 23

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I posted a while back and determined that my digestive problems were related to eating too many raw veggies.  That was around day 10/11.  I have been raw veggie free since then and tried a little salad on day 19 and then a little again today, day 23.  Both have resulted in discomfort, belching and issues with the lower GI track. 


I know some had said that I might need an enzyme or probiotic?  How long do I wait to see if this will fix itself.  I'm pretty tired of cooked veggies.  How do I know where to find the right thing enzyme or probiotic?  Is there anything else I can do to try and fix this without those? 


Thanks for the help!

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Why not wait the full 30 days to see how your digestive system adjusts? My husband had this problem when he did the Whole30 - bloating, gas and GI issues after raw veggies. We simply cooked everything, made sure to chew our food thoroughly and slow down while eating, and avoided drinking a lot of liquids during/before/after meals. His system adjusted and by the end of the month he was feeling fine and started to incorporate raw veggies, starting with leafy greens and peeled veg. 

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