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Another newbie- starting 11-16-15 *am I crazy to start before the holidays??*


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Never joined online group before, but I have also never been real successful...  Hoping to find a correlation there.  Previously tried Wheat Belly with some success, but tired of creating "substitutes" for grain foods.  This time I'm looking more for "feeling good" than weight loss, (but weight loss will be appreciated! :))  mostly aches and pains, joint stiffness, tiredness.  Also want to be FREED from cravings and the sugar high/low seesaw.  I LOVE sweets/chocolate/bread/pasta/milk/cheese and MOST of all birthday cake with buttercream frosting.  Being new to forum- group support I will be looking for any support I can get. 

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You'd be CRAZIER to NOT start and just put this off indefinitely.  No time like the present when it comes to your health! (I had/have similar misgivings.  I have an upcoming trip to Europe that might derail me before the full 30 days - and it will be WORTH IT to go "off road" - but I decided that I had better not let perfect be the enemy of good and I am trying to reap as many benefits as I can by doing as many days as I can before the trip, so that an "official" Whole30 should be less of a "shock to the system" when I do get back.  Might even do it in December - Christmas comes but once a year (and I can still have the turkey! And potatoes! And roasted veggies! And will try a fruit-sweetened cranberry sauce!); this trip to Europe might come one a lifetime).


Good luck!




-Lauren (GGG)

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I started November 9th and wondered the same thing - but then I figured that would be the best time to do it! Why go through the holidays eating poorly when that is the season I seem to do the worst. I figured I would take control before that happened. I have NEVER stuck to a meal plan but have done the Whole30 successfully for a whole week. I can honestly say that I haven't wanted to cheat once and haven't even started to rationalize why I should be able to. I feel good and am proud of myself. That may sound silly, but food isn't controlling me anymore. I am enjoying the recipes from the Whole 30 book - they are easy to follow and very tasty. Good luck, I know you can do this!

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I'm starting today, I already know I'm sensitive to wheat so that knocks out a lot of the goodies circulating this time of year so it seemed as good a time as any to start, but I'm already crying a little into my tea cup, I will miss coffee with cream and sugar, it's my best friend ;)

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I'll start another W30 with you Genat and Jenny! This is my 3rd this year. I'm on a quest to loose weight and more importantly feel healthy. Sugar and wheat are not good for me but because I love both, I'm here! We can lean on each other for the holiday.

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I also am thinking about starting before the holidays. Right now I'm still reading the book It Starts With Food. I'm a little worried about starting now because I know how pathetic my willpower is. I'll jump on board here if I know I'm going to get support since I won't get it from my family.

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