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Which off-plan foods have the most effect on our hormones?


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I started having some pretty significant mid-cycle spotting this summer, and it grew to be enough that it was almost like a mini-period. I have not been on bc since January and we are TTC. My cycles did stay regular (28-31 days). I completed a whole 30 mid-October to mid-November (I purposely timed it with my cycle). The spotting decreased to the point that it barely bothered me during w30 and then there was barely any at all the cycle after, along with much clearer ovulation signs. This cycle - back to the mini-period. I have been eating some gluten and very little dairy, but tons of sugar - probably every day. Does anyone have any ideas of which off plan foods have the biggest effect on those hormones? Or is it different for different people? What have your experiences been?


I am doing a w60 starting January 1 to get my eating back on track and will do a much slower reintroduction afterwards, so I will be able to get my hormones back on track, I am just curious about what is making this happen. 

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During my first W30 last spring, sugar and dairy seemed to be the major issue wrt to hormones, with grains - particularly wheat and oats for me - running a close third and also causing a lot of joint issues.


I didn't / don't eat a lot of soy, so can't comment on that for me. Legumes had a gastro impact, but didn't seem to be hormone related for me.


I hope your further clean eating and reintro adventures give you good answers and information for your unique body. <3

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In your case, I'd guess it was the "tons of sugar," but you'd have to play with it and see. Personally, tons of anything seems to mess with my cycle—as in, I notice it with volume more than any one food or group of foods—but I'm guessing that's related to my unique history/body/all that jazz.

I've heard soy, dairy, and seeds (especially flaxseeds) can be hormonally problematic. Again, your mileage may vary.

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I'm mid 40s so getting to that wacky age when hormones start to play havoc.  I've noticed that no sugar, no alcohol is doing wonders for my sleep.  I've had two solid weeks so far (now in fourth whole30 week) without any night sweats.  I really don't miss waking up in the middle of the night with my PJs and sheets soaked.  It's huge incentive to keep that sugar dragon kicked to the curb.

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For me it's sugar but I have no idea why, or how such a mechanism might work. I know i am spottier and moodier when there's sugar in my diet, I have also found that when I eat a lot of sugar containing foods my general nutrition is poorer because I eat fewer nutritionally dense and tasty foods... So it could be a lack of proper nutrition rather than too much of something else, if you see what I mean?

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If you feel that sugar is your culprit and you are having trouble conceiving you may want to approach your OB about PCOS - poly-cystic ovarian syndrome - which I found out (NOT FROM MY DR) can be the start of insulin resistance, which may make sense with what you are describing.....however I am not a dr, and don't pretend to be one so make sure you speak to a qualified individual, just something to consider.

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