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Day 2, feeling cautiously optimistic!


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Hi all!


I'm Kimberly, a California transplant living in New York.  I'm on Day 2 of my first Whole30.


 I'll admit that yesterday I was feeling a bit of a smug, I'm-healthier-than-you-are attitude toward the world that has disappeared in Day 2's raging where-the-bleep-is-my-diet-coke-lime headache.  I'm plugging away though...I mean, for day 2. I ate breakfast, which is unheard of for me, unless it's the aforementioned Diet Coke Breakfast of Champions. I've also put on my Pilates pants and prepped lunch because when the Hangry comes, I'll skip the workout to support my BFF, Ronald McDonald.


Looking forward to meeting new members and hearing about what helped you through!



Pilates? Oh hell no! I thought you said pie and lattes!

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Thanks for the sweet potato tip......I'm usually up and out of the house by 7:00 so a true breakfast on a weekday is a pipe dream.  I'm apprehensive that the frenetic pace of my life will throw everything in a tizzy.  But that's how I got here in the first place.  We must remain strong!


I love pie and lattes!!!!

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LOL I like pie and lattes too. And Oulates kicked my booty today. It was a combo barre class. But it felt good. I'm up and out early too but for me I've always had digestive problems so I avoided breakfast. I'm waking up hungry now which is good.

We had two nights in a row of dinners in NYC.. I did great but Italian places are not awesomely whole30 satisfying. Rubbery chicken and salad and breathing in hubby's wine vapors. But I did it!

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