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Applesauce anyone??


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I was wondering if anyone has a recipe for compliant applesauce?


I found this one on the web and will likely go with it....although it seems a bit much to buy 25 pounds of apples! Might scale this back a bit....  :D ....depending on serving size....




But speaking of serving size.....what IS considered a serving for something like applesauce? And speaking of that...what is considered a portion for foods such as soups? I feel like I read it somewhere but now I can't find anything for the life of me. 


Many thanks!

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If I were to make applesauce, this would be how I'd do it. Apples. Cinnamon. Heat. Done.


Maybe a mod will weigh in, but follow the meal template (it always comes back to that!) treat it like any other fruit: a serving now and then is cool, but don't let it replace the veggies. It would even be good as like a condiment for a pork chop or a small side with breakfast or something. As far as the portion is concerned, it's kind of up to you based on your context. I (a petite woman) would do a half cup or so like the prepackaged applesauce containers you can buy at the store. But a word of caution while fruit is a whole food, a lot of folks tend to stay away from it if they have a major sweet tooth, since the sweet fruit can make it hard to kill off cravings. If you don't battle the Sugar Dragon, fruit is awesome! If it's a problem, fruit is still awesome but you might want to steer clear until you see how your body handles things.


For soups, if your doing a veg-tastic one like the silky ginger zucchini from Well Fed (love that one, btw) then a cup or two is good for a serving. It's hard to say since it's a liquid, but I would have a cup as the "drink" with my meal. But if you have a big, hearty stew with all sorts of stuff in it, then have a big bowl with some decent fat (avocado or something) and see how you feel afterward.

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Thanks a bunch missmunchie! Yep - I'm with you about that sugar dragon and do want to be careful. Still just brainstorming different options when applesauce came up. I see also that a suggested PWO meal is applesauce mixed with egg whites and mashed pumpkin. But maybe I'll just hold off on that. A couple of eggs for PWO seems completely adequate to me. I appreciate the examples though. I need to just jump in and do it. And I will....I think I've got my first week planned out and need to just get to the grocery store. Holy eggs........  :blink:

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You should not consume fruit as part of a post-workout meal because fruit preferentially replenishes liver glycogen, not muscle glycogen stores. Be careful where you get ideas for a Whole30. 


Fruit is always a second choice behind vegetables during a Whole30. When you do eat applesauce, around one cup is a good serving size. 


When it comes to soup, you can work it out after you fulfill other parts of the meal template guidelines - one or two palm-size portions of protein, at least one thumb-size portion of fat (and really you need more fat most of the time). The rest of the guideline is to fill your plate with veggies. How much of your soup must you consume to get the protein and fat you need, plus the equal of a plate full of veggies?

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Hey, Sconnie: recipe I swear by: http://thegoldengrahamgirl.com/2015/06/27/how-to-make-unsweetened-applesauce-at-home/


And I agree with Tom, that sounds like a lousy post-workout.  I like chicken breast (1/4-1/2 breast, i.e. 3-6 bites) and roasted squash!  Starchy carbs (i.e. root vegetables) rule!

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Thanks again so much for your feedback....I'll check out your suggestions! I hate to say it, but pg 243 of "It Starts with Food" is where I got the PWO suggestion.   :unsure:  But you know what I noticed is that I flipped the order of ingredients - so maybe that's what's causing the alarm about the fruit! 


Its fine, really...I'm much more inclined to go towards the chicken breast and roasted squash! Applesauce is off the menu. Cold chicken breast and roasted squash at 7 am in the morning.....that's normal, right?! (I'm laughing as I write this - please hear that - and NOT a mocking laugh).....I see now why we call things "meals" and not label them as anything else!  Cheers to my new normal!


Tom - I've noticed already as I search around for recipes that you DO need to be careful about what you find! Everything I'm pulling together right now had come from the Whole 30 cookbook. You're so right - there are variations out there!  

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Cold chicken breast and roasted squash at 7 am in the morning.....that's normal, right?! (I'm laughing as I write this - please hear that - and NOT a mocking laugh).....I see now why we call things "meals" and not label them as anything else! Cheers to my new normal!

Lol, just wait until you're cooking ground beef and cabbage for breakfast, and your husband raises eyebrows at you. To which you respond, "well, I'm going to put a fried egg on it!"

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