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OMG - I can have my OWN log??


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This is awesome! i have been obsessed with this site for over a month - how did I not see this option? I wondered why so many people were talking about their logs in different posts I had read. Now I know :).

I am on day 16 of my first Whole30. My husband is on it with me, and our 11-year old son is following it about 90%. He still has some sweet pickles in his lunch, and in the afternoon he eats a Clif for Kids bar as his afternoon snack. I would fight with him on that if not for the fact that he has been really good about "giving up" the junky food he ate before.

All in all, things have gone well. I can pull my pants down without unbuttoning them so I know I've lost some weight. My body looks different too. My stomach is flatter - YES! My thighs are slimmer - YES! And I think I see a collar bone or two trying to peek out - YES! I had beyond awful carb-flu on day 3, but that passed quickly. I've been pretty tired, but I read the other posts about that and so I've tried to up my starchy carb intake at lunch to help with this. I have had some issues with my skin seeming more dry, but will try to add more fat in during the day to see if this helps. I am still struggling with my cravings. I saw a commercial for breadsticks last night and almost started licking the television. Someone at my work inter-officed a candy bar to me as a thank-you (she didn't know I'm on the Whole30) and it took all I had to throw that sucker away. Hopefully by day 30 or soon after, those cravings will have subsided.

My husband is a bit frustrated as he was hoping he would've lost more weight so far (he's been cheating and weighing himself despite my pleas not to). But, he did say today that he's going to stay on the program after the 30 days until he starts to see more results. I'm confident that as his body starts working properly with the food he's eating, he'll start to see the results he's looking for.

i'll continue to post more awesome results (or struggles) as they come along. I'm so thankful for this online community and the opportunity to share this journey with so many others!

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He usually brings a stick of the Gourmet Grassfed jerky, some sweet pickles, some carrot sticks, and then he has a Clif for Kids fruit roll for later in the afternoon (they have a snack time during their 5th period class). Sometimes I do a handful of nuts instead of the fruit roll. All in all, he doesn't complain too much. When we run out of jerky, then I substitute a few slices of compliant Applegate lunch meat. Good luck with your kids!

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Day 20 today - I'm in the home stretch! And . . . happy to report that I had my first "firm-ish" poop for the first time in the last 20 days. Maybe I'll have to add that to the forum post for "You know someone's doing a Whole30 when . . . ." - I'd finish it with - "they get excited over posting what their poop looks like!" In all seriousness though, I feel like things are moving along as they should be. No tiger's blood yet, but I have a feeling that may be right around the corner. I still have some craving issues, but I think part of that is because it's that time of the month. I have noticed though that my mood swings during this time of the month have not been bad at all - unlike what they usually are :). So, MUCH improvement there. Sleeping is still pretty good - would be better if my DH didn't have to get up in the middle of the night to pee so much! He's still frustrated that he isn't losing a ton of weight, but he made a huge leap by not cheating this last weekend when he went up to his parents' house for a visit. His dad and a friend of theirs were tipping back a few but he stood firm and didn't take even a sip. That's huge for him, so I'm proud that he's taking his health seriously. Looking forward to posting our success story soon!

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Day 21 - feeling like I'm getting a bit of a cold - there are TONS of people around me at work who are sick, so I'm hoping my immune system can handle a virus on top of all the repairing it's doing. I will think positively though that I WILL NOT get sick, I WILL NOT get sick -and even if I do, I know that my body which will be much more capable of kicking the cold quickly than it was before.

Yesterday was good - had a meeting off-site after work so I normally would've just stopped and grabbed something on the way to the meeting, but instead I packed my lunch AND my dinner and ate before I left for the meeting. Huge step for me. And, like I posted in my Day 20 post, I had a good bathroom experience :), so that made it a good day too.

I'm so grateful for the perspective this experience has given me as well. I'm much better about handling stress than I was before (probably since I'm learning how to love myself better), and that's helped me walk a friend through some stressful times that she is dealing with and it feels really good to be able to do that.

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