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Day 8, constantly talking myself out of quitting

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This is my 2.5 round of Whole30. I did a full one two years ago, and late last year I started one but realized at about Day 20 that I had been eating something non compliant the whole time. Sneaky sugar. I'm on Day 8. I want to do this, I need to do this. I have Addison's Disease, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and just found out today that I also have ulcers and a fatty liver probably due to the meds I have to take. Which also mess with my joints which are already funky because of the EDS. Not to mention all the other fun autonomic nervous system problems that go with both. I have basically had a sinus infection for a year. This past summer it turned into meningitis which caused a cyst to form on my brain. I need to get in better control of my health because I feel like my body is spiraling out of control.

So I know I need to do this. But for some reason today I'm just SO tired. And I know I'm just having cravings but I've spent the whole day convincing myself not to cheat or quit. The first time I did this, I know I didn't follow the rules to all the technical details, eating too much dried fruit etc and I know I'm starting to do the same this time. Snacking for no reason other than to snack, looking for sweet foods for dessert etc. Obviously sugar is something I need to quit and get under control big time. If I feel well enough to eat I totally over do it. And I know this isn't a weight loss diet but I do have weight to lose.

And I know if I eat something off plan I will feel like absolute garbage tomorrow. But my kitchen is full of dishes and I'm exhausted and I guess I just feel like complaining? Haha

No one else I know is doing this and they're all tired of me watching food documentaries and talking about food. So I guess I figured I'd just write about it on the Internet.

I may start posting a daily food log in the food log section to help keep myself accountable/stop snacking and bingeing.

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A food log may help, and you may also want to find one of the group threads that started about the same time you did -- if you find the right group, they can be a lot of help and encouragement, and they'll be at about the same stage you are, so they'll know what you're going through. Check for one in the Join the Whole30 section of the forum.


It also sounds like you're not eating consistently because you don't feel well, and then you feel you're overdoing it when you do eat -- but if you're not eating enough and then you feel like eating, it could make sense that you'd eat more than a typical meal, because your body needs the nutrients from food, so if it's not getting those consistently, when you do have them, it just wants more and more of them. As for the weight -- right now, focus on getting healthy meals as consistently as you can, even if it feels like you're eating more than you ought to. You have a lot going on, and if you're sick or stressed, your body may just prioritize healing over weight loss. It's okay, it's all still improvement, but this isn't going to be some quick weight loss plan, it's something you're going to have to continue to work on over time.


The sugar thing is hard. But the best way not to crave sugar is to be sure you're eating enough at meals, and if you have a sugar craving that you're just really not able to get past, and you really have to eat something, try reaching for something like olives or avocado, or some leftover meat, or a hard boiled egg. Something that's definitely not sweet.

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Thanks, I'm feeling a lot better today. Yesterday I only had to mentally slap a cookie out of my hand once, so that's progress! I looked up a bunch of one pan meal ideas to help with the dishes too. I got very frustrated about my health yesterday and had a good think and I know this is the right thing to do. And I know I can do it. Everyone just needs a little whine once in a while I guess.

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It really helps to eat on the heavier side of the template for each meal, especially fat. It makes an amazing difference when you are truly feeling satiated how you don't have to battle the snackie tendencies.


Actually sit down and write down three things you can do if/when you feel like grazing/snacking. Take a walk, read a book, march in place for 3 minutes, drink a glass of water, climb up and down the stairs 4 times ... SOMETHING. When they strike, go do one of them. So much of the time we eat when we are bored.


You can do this!

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I started journaling what I eat, what time, how I feel afterwards if I don't feel well and when I feel snacky I'm going to make myself write it down first, what I want and why I want it to help myself learn and see it down in front of me when I'm just eating to eat.

I try to do some meal prep on Sundays, something for breakfasts/lunches to make my life easier. This week I had made all my leftover veggies into soup I can take for lunch with whatever protein left from dinner and pre prepped breakfast bowls with potatoes and veggies and a slice of compliant bacon that I can also add whatever protein I feel like to. One of the grocery stores near me sells pre chopped mixed veggies, kind of expensive considering how cheap it is to cut a pepper, zucchini, broccoli,and onion yourself and this isn't a whole of each, but it is sometimes worth it when you feel like garbage!

After lunch today I started feeling stomach flu-ey again, I don't know if I'm sick again or not. Entirely likely since I work in a spec Ed class and a couple students are sick and a staff came in today sick and left early. So egg drop soup with zoodles for dinner.

Thanks for the support, it helps!

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