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Starting February 1st!


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Happy Friday!  We have made it to day 5.  I am feeling pretty good but hit the treadmill this morning and my legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds.  Stuck with it and feel okay now.  I think I need to add in a pre-work out snack.  Any ideas?  Good luck with the weekend!

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Hi:) my husband and I also started Feb 1! This is our second whole 30. We completed one this past October. This second one is way easier for me personally. Last time my first week was exceptionally crabby:) really I am struggling with wanting to feed my sugar dragon. Ugh! But I feel good and proud to be here again! :)

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Hi eveyone, total newbie here, was wondering if ya'll could help be with my questions. Started on the first. I wanted to know how much dates are allowed in a day. I ate 4 (medjool) tonight and feel guilty.Also I started adding coconut milk to my coffee but not sure if I'm over doing it, what's the limitations?

I'm bf my almost 7 month old baby and the dates help with production hope I don't have to stop them.

There is a forum that addresses breast feeding and you may be able to get the info you need there. Sorry I can't help more. Heres the link to that page


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Hi eveyone, total newbie here, was wondering if ya'll could help be with my questions. Started on the first. I wanted to know how much dates are allowed in a day. I ate 4 (medjool) tonight and feel guilty.Also I started adding coconut milk to my coffee but not sure if I'm over doing it, what's the limitations?

I'm bf my almost 7 month old baby and the dates help with production hope I don't have to stop them.

If the dates help with production, go ahead and keep eating them but try and eat them with a meal, not on their own... put them in a salad or find a recipe that you can bake a chicken with them or something... eating dried fruit on its own sets you up for keeping your sugar dragon alive while also wreaking havoc on your blood sugar.

There are also no real limitations on coconut milk for breastfeeding women... we encourage you to eat at least 4 full meals a day, mini meals when you're hungry and often recommend drinking coconut milk throughout the day to keep your fats up.


You are keeping another human being alive with your body so don't skimp on your food!

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Hi Everyone,

Hang in there! I was feeling a bit over it yesterday mainly because I have nothing nice to drink either during the day or in the evening. However I figured that if I give up now I will have had all of the pain and none of the gain. So every minute that I stay on track I am moving closer to all the positives! That said, I have discovered zucchini noodles and this has changed my life. During the week I had chicken cacciatore on a bed of zucchini noodles and a chicken & veg curry on zucchini noodles with some grated apple added in. It was so delicious! I was using a hand held julienne cutter but I found a second-hand vegetable spiralizer on ebay that I picked up yesterday so last night I made a giant bowl of vegetables for a beef & veg stir-fry in a matter of seconds. Love it!

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Hello All. I started, or continued on with my first W30 on January 31. My first attempt at W30 I was doing great and on day 27 was not prepared well and had a stressull and ate some non compliant food. So I am going for round 2 and my goal is to be prepared all the time and make it to day 30! I am feeling good. I am breaking my bad and unhealthy relationship with food. Good luck everyone. 

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Happy Friday!  We have made it to day 5.  I am feeling pretty good but hit the treadmill this morning and my legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds.  Stuck with it and feel okay now.  I think I need to add in a pre-work out snack.  Any ideas?  Good luck with the weekend!


It's pretty normal to have worse workouts during the first week or so of a Whole30 -- for some people, it may take two weeks to get to where they really feel good in their workouts again. So that is pretty normal.


Preworkout should be protein and fat -- so a hard boiled egg, maybe with a little mayo on it, would work great, or whatever leftover protein you have on hand, with a little added fat. 


Postworkout should be lean protein and starchy vegetable -- maybe some chicken breast or tuna and sweet potato or butternut squash. 


Neither pre- or post-workouts need to be very big. They are in addition to your three meals. If you've eaten a meal within a few hours before your workout, you may not need the pre-workout, but if you feel like it's been long enough since your meal that you might be hungry mid-workout, go ahead and have something.


Post-workout is meant to aid muscle recovery -- read more about it here.

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Well, made it through the gym last night, barely.  First 20 minutes was great, felt great. Then suddenly, I hit a brick wall.  Struggled my way through the 2nd half.  Went home and shovelled the deck off and barely made it in the house.  My muscles were like overdone spaghetti.  Wow, what a difference a day can make!  Had a raging headache by bedtime.  But we did another day!  Yeah us!!! :)


Tonight is my first social event!  It's gonna be rough.


Did you have a post-workout meal? You probably could have had it after the gym, before you headed home, but if not then, definitely after you finished shoveling the deck. I linked to an article in the post above this about post-workout meals. If you're still feeling beat from that have some extra starchy vegetables today and take it easy.

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No, Coconut aminos don't taste even a LITTLE bit like coconut. But you don't really need to use them... between all of the experienced 30'rs here, we've pretty much made every recipe that calls for them and they always turn out just fine without the addition of the aminos so you don't need to use them if you don't want.

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this has been my experience so far.

  • no headaches :)
  • Eating tons of food compared to my 'previous life' - little scary
  • Irritable with myself and hubby.   Hoping it is partly due to Whole30 :)
  • Wondering if I am doing something wrong because not feeling many of the symptoms
  • Silly me.   thinking I would be feeling thinner :)  Nope the 'middle rolls' are still there.  Glad to read today that my body is in the process of moving to fat-burning :)
  • Lots of time in the kitchen and planning for next weeks meals and shopping.   Need to use up all the veggies I bought because I should have on hand.   Time-consuming!  Hope to find ways to use up more of them next week.  Do like trying new recipes.  And it won't take so much time!
  • Friends are coming for supper tomorrow and staying overnight. Hoping the recipes turn out well and I don't talk bunches about Whole30.  And just enjoy them!

How about you all?  Blessings on you all during this adventure of resetting these magnificence bodies we have been given.  

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I am looking forward to the fat burning process. Last night was the first evening I did not feel like snacking. I am still fighting my allergies and asthma but hopefully that will improve soon. Hoping to return to work next week but had to start another medication yesterday. My bloating is gone but still having gas issues. I love the cauliflower and brussel sprouts dishes! So many years of eating the wrong things. It's amazing what I am learning from everything!

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My husband and I both started the Whole30 Plan February 1.  We committed to weight loss last year by eating low fat, "healthier" foods (or so we thought) and counting calories.  What a chore.  He lost 40 pounds and I lost 7.  It is now Day 6 of the plan, and I have never felt better.  I have not experienced ANY of the so-called symptoms from this eating change.  I always felt like we ate healthy....have always enjoyed lots of veggies.  Have to say, I have never eaten so much food.  So far, my only hunger has come late at night,  which I would usually satisfy with some popcorn.  I LOVE THIS WAY OF EATING!  I LOVE MY BOOK, It Starts with Food.  Have read hundreds of clean eating material, and I have to say, this is the best!  I have read the book completely once, and am starting over.   Have had NO cravings and looking forward to the next 24 days.......or 54 or   ???  My husband was a sugar addict.....he has had a few cravings, but has staved it off with a mandarin orange.  (I know he shouldn't be snacking, but better than cheating completely).  Another week and I think that craving will be gone as well.  My biggest challenge has been to stay off the scales.  I have to admit that I did weigh after 3 days, just because I was skeptical as to how I could eat so much food and lose weight.  After counting 1200 calories for nearly a year.....and being constantly hungry in the process, I felt it was impossible to eat all the food I was eating.  I actually was down 4 pounds, so I got even more energized.  Know I broke one of the principle rules, but will not weigh again until end of program.  I am turning 60 this month and have never felt better.  Can't wait to see what lies ahead!!!

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  • Irritable with myself and hubby.   Hoping it is partly due to Whole30 :)


Around days 4-5 or so, many people experience what we refer to as the "Kill All The Things" phase (check out the timeline for more on what you might experience over the course of your Whole30). That may be some of what's going on. It should pass soon, but if it's continuing for more than a few days, you might head over to the Troubleshooting section of the forum and post a couple of days' worth of food (with approximate portion sizes), water intake, exercise, sleep, and anything else you think might be relevant and see if there's anything you might tweak to get better results.

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  My husband was a sugar addict.....he has had a few cravings, but has staved it off with a mandarin orange.  


If you can get him to have fat instead of sweet when he has sweet cravings (a handful of olives, some avocado), those sugar cravings will go away even faster.

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Feel like crying !    My daughter and her family were over this morning.  I popped a cheese pizza in the oven for their little boys.   I did the unconscious thing I always do!   Took a bite of a leftover piece on Asher's plate!  Realized immediately what I had done  :(

  Had to hit restart!   Oh My!  So bummed and frustrated that I wasn't even thinking!

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Hi all- Happy day 6, and Superbowl weekend! My husband and I have been doing this together all week, and so far so good! I'm proud of his choice to join in this time. We just moved to PA this past year, for my husband's work.  I'm not working, and he's got an intense schedule. Very different stress levels, so I feel for him, and keep checking to make sure he's eating enough, and the right kind of calories. We just went for a walk with the dogs, and when we got home, he crashed! He never takes naps, so I'm still wondering. But maybe that's just his body adjusting.... He's also cut out all caffeine, so maybe that's contributing too. Anyway, his big request to me is to find a whole 30 superbowl mini-meal idea to have tomorrow. I can easily make some whole 30 salsa and quacamole with veggies.  And maybe grilling some chicken skewers would make it into more of a balanced mini-meal. I'd love to hear any other ideas people are thinking about!



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Feel like crying !    My daughter and her family were over this morning.  I popped a cheese pizza in the oven for their little boys.   I did the unconscious thing I always do!   Took a bite of a leftover piece on Asher's plate!  Realized immediately what I had done  :(

  Had to hit restart!   Oh My!  So bummed and frustrated that I wasn't even thinking!

In my opinion, if it was only one bite, learn from it and keep going as planned. You can always add a few days on at the end.

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Oh, I forgot I wanted to say thanks for the ideas :chicken cacciatore,  chicken and vegetable curry, beef and veggie stir-fry to have over zucchini noodles--great ideas!

And someone mentioned allergies...my allergies greatly improved on my last whole 30 last year. I didn't eliminate them altogether, but so much better. And because a lot of the whole 9 has remained with me, they've continued to be better all year. But, it also took time, for me anyway, to feel the improvement. My last whole '30' was actually a 'whole 90'. Everyone's experience, and reactions/success with whole 30 I'm sure will be completely different, but I just thought I'd share that....Stick with it, even if it's more of a slow and steady journey like mine was the first time around!


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Hi all- Happy day 6, and Superbowl weekend! My husband and I have been doing this together all week, and so far so good! I'm proud of his choice to join in this time. We just moved to PA this past year, for my husband's work.  I'm not working, and he's got an intense schedule. Very different stress levels, so I feel for him, and keep checking to make sure he's eating enough, and the right kind of calories. We just went for a walk with the dogs, and when we got home, he crashed! He never takes naps, so I'm still wondering. But maybe that's just his body adjusting.... He's also cut out all caffeine, so maybe that's contributing too. Anyway, his big request to me is to find a whole 30 superbowl mini-meal idea to have tomorrow. I can easily make some whole 30 salsa and quacamole with veggies.  And maybe grilling some chicken skewers would make it into more of a balanced mini-meal. I'd love to hear any other ideas people are thinking about!




You may have already found some ideas for Super Bowl tomorrow, but here's a few ideas: a chili bar (or if it's just you and him, just get the toppings you'd want on your chili); this post has several good ideas, meatballs (that's a link to all the meatballs on MelJoulwan.com), or hot wings.

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Day 8 for me! What I have learnt from the last week:


- I am not eating enough! I really need to up my fat and vegetable portions especially on weekends


- I need to plan for weekends like a plan for a weekday. My usual weekend would consist of eating out a lot, so I found this weekend I was not prepared for meals, like I am during the weekend. I struggled and found myself hungry and cranky.


- I need to eat breakfast, almost as soon as I wake up. As much of a struggle this is, I am getting better. Still can't stomach vegetables in the morning yet.


- My parents and partners parents are more supportive than I thought they would be - catering to my requirements, which is nice!


- I can go to my parents/partners parents for a meal and not feel like I am missing out and satisfied with my meal - big win so far, as generally food deprivation makes me really depressed (I love eating tasty food!)


- I need to expand my recipe base, as above, I have found some food bland and accidentally overcooked a few things, which I get quite upset about and would normally eat something else (cheese and crackers) to get the "yucky" taste out of my mouth. 

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I love the support of everyone already!


I will be starting for my first ever Whole30 on Feb 1, because it's the start of a new month AND it just happens to begin on a monday too, which makes my OCD so happy! Also, it will be the monday after my 21st birthday, and being young and having to fear about diabetes by the time you are 25 is scary! So I am ready to take back my life after suffering with an eating disorder, abbusive realationships and lots of health issues!


Wishing everyone the best on their journey, and I will be here to support anyone! 




Hi there, I am starting 1st Feb too, I have requested to join the FB group. I have been gradually weaning myself off sugar and wheat on the last 2 weeks. Just my milk in coffee and occasional cheese to go now.


Going to take it day by day, and even though weight loss is my goal I am using the Whole30 to reset my metabolism so not expecting too lose significant weight at the beginning. 


Hi all!


I will also be joining you guys starting Feb 1st for another round of Whole30! I did my first one last March 2015 and stuck to it for 100 days because I felt so good. I have also since been Paleo and it has truly been a lifechanger in a beautiful way. I'm happy to share some of my favorite recipes or blogs, as well as start a Feb 1 Whole30 email chain going for support and sharing ideas/how we are feeling.


Also, Mela, where in PA are you located? I'm in Philadelphia.


All the best and talk soon!


Alli...I lived in Philadelphia, but moved to Harrisburg.

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Hello Day 8!!  How is everyone doing?? 


I went through the normal ups and downs of week one, almost to the exact descriptions that they talk about in the books.


I already feel so much better, though today I'm a bit bloated!


I have cooked more in the past 7 days than I have in my entire adult life combined.  I love the process but HATE the cleanup!  :-)

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