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Day 10 NSV


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I've spent my adulthood struggling with binge eating and emotional eating. I had a terrible fight with a friend last night and not once today did it occur to me to binge or even have a "treat" because I'm angry, sad and scared the friendship is over because I had the bad taste to call out her rude behavior. It was 4 PM before I even realized I hadn't thought about "cheating" at all.

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I can totally relate to this.  It's funny how once you're done with the cravings it's not acceptable to use food as a crutch.  When I'm eating junk food on a regular basis ( a little chocolate here, a bagel there) and then something really stressful happens it's the first thing I go to.  When you're really aware of getting 3 meals into your body a day and eating until your full it's not really an option.  It's a much nicer way to live.

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Woah! It is crazy how much I can relate to you. I am struggling on day 10 as well, and have been fighting an ED relapse recently. 


I have been a bottomless pit today... nothing is satisfying me or filling me up. I've been fighting my sugar dragon like no other. My roommate's mom made these huge, delicious looking double chocolate-chip cookies and I said to myself, "f*** it," and picked one up. As it was in my fingers I said to myself "no, fight it. you're stronger than this." And I did!! I'm feeling SO empowered right now, and not even tempted. I feel silly for being so proud of rejecting a cookie (or the urge to purge all the whole30 healthy and compliant foods I just ate), but you know what? It's real. So I'm going to let myself enjoy this proud moment in all of its glory, and you should too! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woot woot Samianne724! Virtual high five on your win. I'm going into week 3 of my Whole30 (with a recent restart this past Friday when I learned corn is not an acceptable veggie...I know...I know...but in fairness I wasn't aware it's not in plan; just my food ignorance showing) and haven't had many temptations. I loved sweets and baked goods. Only once have I thought about cake, but it was a passing moment. Not a true craving. 


Then there was one night last week when I couldn't sleep. I kept my tingling hands busy by watching Tasty on FB (the one with the food prep videos that are addicting to watch). I tried to only watch the videos with food I could eat but eventually found myself watching dessert video after baked goods video. Surprisingly, it didn't give me cravings and I didn't throw on my tennis shoes and head to the nearest gas station to stock up on Hostess goodies (as I have in the past no matter the hour of night).


Be proud of that moment! And the next one to come!!

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