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Cavegrrl Dominates Whole30 (In A Nice Way)


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Day 25 almost over and due to circumstances, I didn't eat enough today so I'm feeling headachy and hungry. Dinner (chicken) is in the oven and I'm beyond ready to eat it with my bare hands.

I am ending on Day 27 in the afternoon and have to say that I'm so looking forward to a glass of wine.

Have a wonderful Friday!!

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Wow -- Day 26 and I am on autopilot. Ate at a fancy schmancy restaurant for lunch and had no problem telling the Bread Guy no thank you, skipped the beverages in favor of tea, and ate a healthy salad (greens and lobster), but it was TINY so I was way hungry later.

Came home and wolfed down some trail mix before heading to a friend's house for book group. While everyone else had martinis, I had iced tea. Dinner was a healthy Moroccan meal and all I did was skip the potatoes and butter.

I feel pretty righteous and am looking forward to celebrating with our friends tomorrow. I think I'll be starting another Whole30 next week and will keep you posted.

Okay -- the yawns are taking over.

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