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Not hungry at meals


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My boyfriend and I are on day 6 and I have noticed that the past few days his appetite has shrunk and he is having problems finishing his meals. He says he is just not hungry or not feeling well, could this be from the "carb flu"? We have gotten over the worst, I think, but we're def eating high carb high sugar diets before. His sleep patterns are also very unhealthy, and we are hoping whole 30 will help to regulate that as wel. We aren't giving up, I'm just worried that he isn't eating well and will be lacking necessary nutrients to move us forward. Thank you!

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It's unlikely to still be carb flu on day six unless you are propping up your carb cravings with a lot of fruit.

Some loss of appetite is fairly normal as hormones start to regulate. Try sticking to tried & tested dishes you know he will like, and encourage him to eat as much of each eal as possible (trying to get equal amounts of each food group), then wrap up the remainder to eat as soon as he feels able.

Unfortunately NOT eating when you have no appetite only perpetuates the problem.

It should pass in a few days......

Of course, it could be that he's coming down with something? In which case try comfort foods like scrambled eggs, mashed root veg with plenty of ghee/coconut milk, blended soups and bone broth.

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He is probably averaging 6 hours of sleep, but with lots of wake ups throughout the night.I think this is caused by a generally late dinner time due to work, so we are going to work on adjusting that this week. He also is waking up later in the day, on average probably 10am, as his work begins later in the day and ends later in the evening. 


Here are a couple examples:


Breakfast- Healthy piece of quiche with bacon, spinach, mushrooms, and onions mixed in with some avocado on the side and coffee.

Lunch- Chicken meatballs with zucchini and cilantro, dipped in guacamole with 2 cups of sauteed veggies.

Dinner- Burger with lettuce, tomato, onion and 2 cups of sauteed veggies


Breakfast- Yams/sweet potato with avocado mashed on top with tomatoes and proscuitto, with 3 eggs on the side. 

Lunch- Chicken meatballs with zucchini and cilantro, couple slices of proscuitto, carrots, 2 hardboiled eggs 

Dinner- Ribeye + 3 cups sauteed veggies (in ghee) 

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