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Starting over..Day 1


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Hello, my name is Angie, and I tried doing the whole 30 back in January, but I guess I just got confused with what I was supposed to be eating and what I wasn't. For the most part, I did good, I lasted 13 days. Anyways, I am here again, and hoping I do better because I really want to get in shape and I don't want to be building muscle on fat so...yeah!


Here is my situation: I have a very strange palette, and so as much as I want to eat fruits and veggies, I have a hard time eating them because I can not stand the texture. I have finally after 25 years been able to eat steamed broccoli! What advice would you give someone like me???

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All vegetables and fruits don't have the same texture. Try different cooking methods - roasting,steaming,sauteed - as well as raw. You can do a W30 without eating fruit,but the recommendations for veggies is 1 - 3 cups per meal with 3 being what to aim for.

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Homemade  Mayo is your friend and makes the veggie experience more enjoyable when one is having a hard time.    And roasting veggies is great too.. 

The days of mushy boiled and over steamed broccoli and cauliflower are gone.. There's a whole new horizon out there for us  not familiar with veggies (my self included)   Love my brussels sprouts now, butternut squash, green beans etc..   Still working up the courage to try parsnips and such but getting there!

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Hey Angie! I know that I used to have the same deal with veggies pretty much grossing me out, but honestly, this is gonna sound weird, but if you're patient, you'll develop a taste for them. Like the others described, there are so many different ways you can eat them, and they are all going to start to taste better and better the longer you eat this way, and you'll start to like them in ways you never thought you would. Different fats will change the taste and texture, too, so if you don't like mayo, try EVOO, or ghee, or tossing in handfuls of olives or avocado chunks to break up the veggies. It's all a learning curve, and really, I've found that if I just sucked it up, eventually I was like, "Well, this isn't so bad..." and now I look forward to them and can't get enough of them!!

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