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Not gonna lie...

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Ok. So I posted on here this morning vowing to stop closet/sneak eating and start my first Whole 30. If i am going to do this, I must hold myself accountable. i made great choices all day. Very much aware of what I was putting into my body. Then all of a sudden after dinner, I remember that I still had chocolate chip cookies in my freezer. Without even a second thought, in fact it was almost like I went on auto pilot, I opened the freezer and ate cookies (no one around, of course). not 1, not 2, but several cookies. So, here comes the sickness, the guilt and the shame. This time, however, I am going to pick myself up and start again tomorrow. Cookies have been tossed. Trip to Whole Foods tomorrow and ISWF on the kitchen counter front and center. Although I have already read it, I will pick it up throughout the day to keep me motivated. It is amazing the power crappy food can have, but I just have to believe I am stronger than it. Healthy, real food empowers me. I just have to learn that and not let my old bad habits ruin my health.Thanks for reading.

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You can do it! Good for you for getting rid of the tempting foods that you don't want to eat. It's certainly a recipe for disaster if you have them around. Besides getting the non whole 30 foods out of sight, I highly recommend planning your eats a day ahead of time so that's all set and you don't have to stress about it. Also use meditation, deep breathing, yoga, walking, anything to get your mind of cravings when they strike.

Best wishes!

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Good job with the accountability... what's your strategy for the next time something comes up? Jenny had a few ideas, here's a couple more:

drink a full glass of water first

put off having it for 20 minutes (often the craving will pass)

eat something else (avocado? olives?)

go for a walk

come write on the forum

know that this is only for 30 days and you can do anything for 30 days, right?

You are working hard... keep on!

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I had a run-in with some malted milk balls I forgot about after a fantastic day of eating clean. But for once I didn't eat myself sick, I had some and then moved on. No more beating myself up about these things since yesterday I will deem a success. Luckily the candy is gone and I am moving on!

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