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Lack of appetite...

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Hello, everyone!  This is my first time doing Whole30 and I've just completed Day 4.  I've been doing a good job eating 3 meals a day and have focused on getting my protein, fat, and veggies, but yesterday and today I noticed that I have a lack of an appetite.  I've been scaling down my portions a bit to accommodate for this.  I went several hours without eating a meal (close to 7 hours) just because I wasn't hungry.  Has anyone else experienced this?  Thanks!

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Please do not scale down your portions and DO eat every 4-5 hours. Your hunger signals likely can't be trusted depending on where you came from food wise before coming here. Eating every 4-5 hours and the minimum template recommendations (linked in my signature below) are the BARE MINIMUM that an adult human needs to eat.

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