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Rebbeca's Whole30 Log


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We have family in town for the next few days. Since they're staying with us I can mostly be in charge of the food choices unless they want to go out. I'm actually trying to get through the visit without actually telling them I'm doing Whole30; they don't have the greatest eating habits and I don't want my food choices to seem preachy. They're my choices not theirs and I kind of just want to fly under the radar. Here's what I ate today:

B: sausage, mushrooms, onion, spinach frittata (eggs mixed with half can of coconut milk), berries

L: 2 applegate hotdogs, cucumber slices, guacamole dip, 6-8oz of a green smoothie (spinach, coconut milk, frozen mangoes, frozen berries) - I had a bag of spinach I had to use up before it went bad so therefore - smoothies

D: we went to outback for dinner. I had a 6oz sirloin, steamed brocolli, and a plain sweet potato

I'm enjoying some chamomile tea now because I'm craving something sweet to snack on. I need to up my fat intake tomorrow and watch the fruit with my meals. During week 2 I ate almost no fruit and didn't have any cravings. I'm letting the amount creep up so I'll try to keep an eye on it.

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Took my daughter to the beach today. We left later than I usually like to because I was determined to eat breakfast and pack a real lunch for us to have while we were out. I think we spent more time driving there and back than we actually did at the beach but we both had a blast in the waves. Here's what I ate today:

B: roasted chicken thigh, leftover carrot curry soup, roasted Brussels sprouts & red onions

L: turkey lettuce wraps with homemade mayo, raw veggies (brocolli, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers) with guacamole, green smoothie while I drove home

D: pork chop, roasted lemony asparagus, smashed/roasted potatoes

Every time I post here I have to check a calendar to see what day it is - day 26 today! This seems to just be the way we/I eat now. Spending all this time planning, preparing, and cleaning up food/dishes isn't too bad for me right now - it's summer, I'm not working, and I don't have much going on. I'm interested to see how I can challenge myself to continue eating this way during the weeks of traveling we'll do this summer and during upcoming holiday celebrations.

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Another great day for me today. I was bummed when I realized Day 30 would be 4th of July. I mis counted and was hoping to enjoy an Angey Orchard at our BBQ. Better save a sparkling water for myself instead! Here's what I ate today:

B: 3 hard boiled eggs, roasted Brussels sprouts, leftover potatoes with ghee

L: 2 applegate hotdogs, raw veggies with guacamole, grapes

D: beef stroganoff from against all grain (subbed chicken stock for white wine and beef stock), zoodles

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The last two days have been a whirlwind. I decided yesterday to fly to my parents' house in CO for the week. We left this afternoon so I only had a short time to plan and pack. Days 28 & 29 went well though. Dinner today was what I could manage to bring on the plane but I did ok. Day 30 tomorrow! Here's what I ate the last couple of days:


B: I can't remember...

L: hot dog, leftover veggies

D: roasted salmon, sweet potatoes and cauliflower & broccoli


B: sweet potato sausage frittata, leftover sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts

L: chipotle!

D: 2 hard boiled eggs, cherries, raw cut up veggies

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I did it! I completed my first Whole30! It's the beginning of Day 31 now and I'm on a last minute spontaneous vacation at my parents' house in CO. Here's what I ate yesterday (Day 30):

B: 2 fried eggs, compliant ham steak, sautéed veggies

L: big green salad picked from mom's garden with cucumbers, lettuce, tomato, bell peppers, olives, lemon and olive oil dressing. The only compliant protein in the house were hot dogs so I ate two with mustard. I realized later that there were frozen shrimp that I would have had instead.

D: grilled strip steak, roasted potatoes, huge green salad

Dessert: blueberries, raspberries, homemade whipped coconut cream (no added sweetener or extract - post Whole 30 I'd love this with the seeds of a vanilla bean and some honey)

I'm not planning to do a formal reintroduction at the moment. I want to continue to eat Whole30 for the summer. However, I will have to follow the "slow roll reintroduction". There are limited meat options at my parents that don't have a bit of added sugar and I don't want my mom to have to go buy special food for me. We have several outings planned for the next three days and I'm going to make the best possible Whole30 choices I can while we are out and about. I'll continue all Whole30 rules without worrying about minute added sugar. I'm going to continue to post a food log for accountability and to keep myself on track during my Whole30 & reintroduction.

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