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Day 18 and ready to cheat :(

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I feel good not great. I'm proud of where I am but I'm getting tired and bored of having to read every ingredient. I'm getting tired of not being able to go out and eat a normal meal. On our way to meet friends for a night out.. I just know what's about to happen. If I do it- Im not sure I'll start from scratch but I will follow many of the things I've learned.

Anyone online to talk some sense into me?

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Seriously don't do it. You can have a perfectly satisfying meal at any restaurant while on Whole30. You are over half way there. If you aren't feeling great, are you sure you are eating enough? Including enough fat? I really think you will be mad at yourself for caving. There's a reason you wanted to do Whole30. That reason is still there, right?

As for label reading, by day 18, you should have your arsenal of items you know are compliant. Just stick with those and give yourself a label reading break.

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You can push through. don't cave!!! Great job getting this far. I wonder the same thing as slw600 (are you getting enough fat and protein?) If you have some coconut oil take a spoonful before you leave the help make you feel more full. I've been doing paleo since December but never reaped the benefits that I am going 100%. I really believe even if you aren't planning on being this strict it is important to go through this process. Good Luck!

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I am right there with you, Jennifer! We're on Day 12 and I'm just tired. Tired of being chained to my kitchen, tired of salad, tired of explaining myself to friends as to why I'm doing this. I'm not necessarily craving anything, I guess I just want the convenience of life before. On top of that, I'm not really seeing the great benefits I thought I would. I've lost a little weight (a couple pounds) but am still waiting on the "boundless energy"!

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Day 20 here, and I have these days sometimes too. Then I have super-strong days. But you know what, I keep thinking of how strong I really am. I can have cravings and not give into them. I can really, really be jealous of the sea salt 72% chocolate bar that is in the cabinet for my 16 yo son, and I can not eat it. I can go out to eat with my husband and wish I could just have a little bit of the poppy seed dressing on the arugula salad that I love, but instead I ask for olive oil and vinegar. Even though I can tell I'm losing weight, and even though I know I'm doing my body good, I think that the most important thing I'm gaining from this Whole 30 is the knowledge that I have the power over food and my food choices. It does not have power over me. I have a long history of compulsive and emotional eating, and I know it will always be something I probably struggle with, but if I can do this for 30 days, then I know that the table is turned. I can look back on this experience and see that I can control myself when I am motivated.

I have faith that you can be strong too. I feel those same feelings...and I think if I can do it. You can too :) Good luck to you!!

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Thanks everyone! I hate to say it but feel the need to be honest. I fell. (#fail) I had the feeling since we were celebrating a birthday. But overall my food choices remained healthy. I've learned a lot from this program and am grateful for it. This won't be the last time I do this... I see a couple more cleanses in my future.

Good luck to the rest of you!

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I'm on Day 15 and I feel fantastic! Well-rested, not hungry, and my energy levels feel wonderful! I took this challenge on as a challenge to see what the Whole30 is really about. I really like it so far-I'm an avid cook, and a crazy label-reader. And, I don't eat meat. Just seafood. It seems that this fell right into step with my interests. There are so many tools you should have to help you through the weaker times, if they happen. When you feel the need to cheat, or are tempted, tell us what your temptations are, and we'll do the best we can to help you over the hump or give you suggestions as to what might be psychologically similar! Good luck!

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