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W30... but not really

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Hi Gang,

Long story short, did my first W30 last April and did great. I was eating paleo-is until my pregnancy began last summer and now I have a beautiful baby girl who is 10 weeks. I am nursing exclusively I'm 16 days into my W30.

The reason I say W30 but not really is because while I am technically eating compliant foods, I am not following the meal template or schedule. I basically kind of skip breakfast, with a mid-morning snack of almond butter with fruit. Then I will eat a compliant lunch and dinner based on the meal template, but I can't say I measure portions exactly. Then depending in how I feel I'll eat dried fruits and nuts in the evening. Also I have been weighing myself compulsively. I have about 7 lbs left to lose.

I want to stick with the template but for some reason I am afraid. I'm afraid of eating all that food in the morning. And also with my 3 kids and grad school being organized is difficult.

I'd like to lose my weight, but mostly I would like to be kind to myself. I want to do something good for my body.



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....but mostly I would like to be kind to myself....




Not eating is not being kind to yourself, your body, or your exclusively breastfed baby. YOU need the fuel in order to continue exclusively BFing (rest assured the current lack of fuel will soon catch up with you), and your daughter needs you to eat well composed template meals (not dried fruit & nuts) in order that you can provide her with the best possible fuel to help her grow big & strong.

You've been here before, you know how it works - three template meals, the first within an hour of wakening - and in your case AT LEAST another mini meal. Maybe sip on some coconut milk during the day & get sleep when you can.

Sorry, but the way you are eating now you are doing yourself a disservice.

Welcome back by the way, and congrats on the birth of your daughter  :)




ETA: I'm going to move this to Whole30 while Pregnant or Breastfeeding forum for a better fit....

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Thanks jmcbn! I have definitely been eating alot and I have good milk supply. I attribute this to the good  nutrition that I have received from W30 foods. My problem is I am doing the program too loosely. This will adversely affect all of the positives the program has to offer and my hopeful weight loss


I also really need to stop obsessing about weight!  Keep calm and carry on.... my mantra this summer. 

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I remember when I was first breastfeeding it was so hard to eat anything. I'm not normally one to ever miss a meal and I remember it would all of a sudden be 3 PM and I'd realize I hadn't eaten all day! I don't really have a solution just that I know it's so tough and it was all kind of a blur but eventually I figured out how to eat again lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Why are you afraid to eat a lot of food in the morning? Do you feel sick after breakfast?

Also, you might think you are eating plenty of food, but from my experience, unless you are eating 4 large meals, you are not getting near enough for you and your baby.

Please don't worry about loosing weight. You just gave birth 10 weeks ago. Be kind to yourself and enjoy 4 big meals and give yourself permission to forget about weight loss for 30 days. I think you'll enjoy it! :)

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