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Newbie!!! Can I Lose Weight???

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Hello Again!!!  i am just wondering if WHOLE30 is about just Getting Healthy OR Can i Lose Weight???  can you guys pop in here and let me know How Much Weight You Lost???  i finally got my Book and i cant wait to get started!!!  i know it will help me Get Healthy BUT i am also wondering How Much Weight I Can Lose.....   :D   i currently weigh 220lbs, im 5'7" and im 56yrs old... i know that Being Older it will probably Come Of Slower BUT i think this is going to be A Great Thing!!!

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Hello Again!!!  i am just wondering if WHOLE30 is about just Getting Healthy OR Can i Lose Weight???  can you guys pop in here and let me know How Much Weight You Lost???  i finally got my Book and i cant wait to get started!!!  i know it will help me Get Healthy BUT i am also wondering How Much Weight I Can Lose.....    :D   i currently weigh 220lbs, im 5'7" and im 56yrs old... i know that Being Older it will probably Come Of Slower BUT i think this is going to be A Great Thing!!!

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I look at it this way. It is more of a way to get healthy and weight loss has been one of the benefits. Yes I have lost weight when I do the program. I lost about 15-20 pounds in the 30 days. But don't be focused on that. It will come as you change your eating habits and reset your body. It is about changing your habit and how you look at food and learn to stop using it as a coping mechanism. If you don't do that that's great. For me that is the most important. I can do any diet but keeping it off never happens because I didn't change the way I used food to deal with my crap. I am very addicted to sugar. I recommend getting the daily newsletter when you start. Sign up for it 2 days in advance. They have a great day 0 that helps you prepare. And trust me you will need it. Also get your self on a feed or thread or what ever you want to call them. It has been so incredibly helpful to do the journey with a great support group. It is an amazing program and for me really addresses food and cravings. I am learning how to use great tasting food to better body instead of using crap food to deal with stress. Welcome!!

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I've lost weight each time I do a Whole30 -- never the 15-20 lbs in 30 days that EJSmadhatter mentions above, but a reasonable amount to lose in a month. When I stick pretty close to Whole30 eating between Whole30s, I tend to lose weight as well, albeit slowly.


That said, there are people who take longer to experience weight loss. You may or may not lose weight in 30 days, depending on what your diet is like before you start. If you come from a long history of calorie restriction or if you have underlying medical issues, it may take longer. Throughout the 30 days, there may be days you feel bloated or are convinced you're gaining weight -- that's pretty typical, so just hang in there and don't worry about it too much.


Embrace the program, eat plenty of food (don't panic about the amount of fat, embrace it, it really does help), get the best sleep it's possible for you to get, try to do some kind of light activity most days (or if you're already exercising, keep doing what you're doing), and by the end of 30 days, whether you have lost weight or not, you'll feel amazing and won't mind sticking close to this way of eating going forward.

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Direction matters more than speed.  And stability.  After 2 years, rather than focus on the numbers...what matters to me is if you can find food and weight stability.  Are you still sticking that landing 2 or 3 years down the road.


Diets come and go.  They promise fast weight loss but what do they really deliver.  With quick results can come quicker rebound.  Goooo oooo soooo slow.  Forget about dropping it like it's hot because that's mostly muscle mass.  There's a fine balance between maintaining all of your muscle mass and skin's elasticity while releasing weight.   It means going slow.  It might take 2 years but it will be soooo worth it.   Hard work and going slow really pays off with overall health and well being. 

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Hi Lili13,

Welcome to the Whole30.

I just finished my first Whole30 month and feel better than I have in several years.

I have sweeter sleep, feel bright and energetic in the morning, wake up before the alarm goes off, better moods.

My ptsd episodes are fewer and milder so I can say this is good for stress.

I am older than you.

I lost 4 pounds so far.

And my appetite is smaller.

Today is 4th of July and will "re-introduce ice cream".

(I know they don't really have a day for that :) )

Fortunately, I have no sugar cravings so maybe I won't even like it!

But my intention is to have it at our gathering and not again until Labor Day.

Best wishes to you.


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I just finished my first Whole 30.  I just got off the scale, and I am pretty disappointed !  I lost 1 pound!   Is this unusual?  I am 52, and pretty much did not do the program for weight loss but thought I would lose a few pounds?!  I was a pescatarian, and thought going on might cause some weight gain with all the meat. 



 I am not over weight but not at my ideal weight.  I did not cheat at all.  I am a former competitive fitness athlete so I am used to pretty strict diets!



Did anyone else out there not lose any weight?  Dont get me wrong It definately has other benefits and I did" nt just do this for weight loss!  


Should I stay on it and start counting calories as well?  



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I just finished my first Whole30 yesterday, and I lost 14 pounds (my husband lost 11)! I totally agree that weight loss is one of the many healthy benefits of Whole30, not just the main goal. I didn't see it that way going in though. The more I learned and the better I felt, the more I started enjoying the feeling great and the less I worried about the weight-loss. Good luck! It really is worth it!!!

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