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Uh-oh! Do I have to start over?


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Today is day 14. I have been rocking the Whole 30-- through holidays, husbands illness causing majors stress, and entertaining. Last night we had some friends for dinner. I did not even lick my finger as I prepared hummus and spicy eggplant ( leaving some of the eggplant aside for me). I didnt eat the quinoa that my guest so generously provided nor the gluten free cookies ( they were really trying) and drinking now is a total non-issue ( what a surprise!)

This morning I realized that the chicken I served, which I made and froze 3 weeks ago, had wine in the recipe. I am utterly devastated. And slightly nauseous to boot.

Give me the truth. Am I starting over? I can do it and I had been thinking about going until Thanksgiving anyway but I was waiting to commit that to myself until after this week.

If i have to start over do I add 15 onto the back or start reading again at day 1?

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I will anxiously await the responses here Shelley. I am on day 16, and went to a dinner party last night. Everyone went out of their way to accommodate my current eating, yet I just about choked when I was halfway through part of the meal and found out beef bouillon was an ingredient, and likely a powder or packet, as well as butter. Shame on me for not asking first, but I already felt like I was being a pain in the a** guest. I think too often when folks here the "categories" we can't eat, they assume other items are okay. We say we can't have legumes, and no one considers soy in an ingredient list to be a problem. They just don't serve black beans! I am sitting here with a headache, pondering what to have for breakfast, so I think you and I are in the same boat!

(Oh and I hope your husband is feeling better now!)

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So sorry that happened Shelley. :( I'm pretty new to Whole30 and certainly no expert but my suggestion would be to continue on and just make yours a Whole45. No need to make a big restart or anything like that, it was an honest mistake. You just may want that full 30 days from the point of taking in something that affected your body so negatively so you can feel the effect. Maybe see it just as an positive extension of a healthy thing instead of a negative restart. Make sense?

I'm definitely learning as I go and have had a few missteps - nothing huge - but they make me want to do a Whole45 or Whole60 just to make sure I get as much positive benefit as possible before I decide exactly what foods to give up permanently, which to have often, and which to have occasionally.

Best wishes! :D

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I think that sounds like a plan Shelley! I really am enjoying this so much that would not hesitate to do this for 45 days total instead of 30. I say that probably because I made my first coconut whipped cream today to top a dark cup of coffee and feeling like I can move mountains AND stay compliant!

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Today's Whole 30 daily post talks extensively about what happens if you accidentally infest something that is not W30 approved. It's a terrific and inspiring read. All day yesterday I was so mad at myself. But i just stayed the course-- because i do feel so much better. This post allows for forgiveness. And gives personal options for moving ahead.

My commitment is that I am in for the Whole 45.

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