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Honey in beef broth- what to do?


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Well, option 3 would not really help if you've marinated or cooked the ribs in the sauce since it's had a chance to absorb into the meat.

I would say don't eat it, because that's the whole30 rules. This isn't a case where you were served something after asking all the right questions -- you know it's there. Can the ribs be frozen for after your whole30? That would be my recommendation. 

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If the meat is cut away from the bone, they can be frozen for a short time.  Anytime you freeze meat with the bones, it tastes off.   Trying to keep a turkey tasting fresh in the fridge with all of the bones...:P

It's just that old lipid oxidation process of the fats starting to spoil and go rancid from exposure to oxygen.  But they'll keep for awhile. 


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