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Snack ideas when I have a nut allergy

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Hey everyone, I really need some ideas on snacks. I'm 15 weeks pregnant and my doctor wants me to follow a Whole30ish eating plan for the remainder of my pregnancy due to the fact that eating this way is the only thing that keeps my histamine reactions at bay. I am currently struggling with getting enough calories and I know I need to eat between meals (I'm basically a zombie by 2pm). But my issue is that I'm at work all day and need to pack something both portable and easy to eat (I don't have a lot of time for eating when it's not lunch because I'm a mental health therapist and am seeing back to back clients all day.) But unfortunately I have some limitations. 1. I'm allergic to all nuts 2. I can't just eat fruit or veggies because they cause me morning sickness if I eat them alone, I need to pair protein with any carb I'm eating. Does anyone have any good ideas? Oh and also I hate hard boiled eggs.

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First, try to make sure your meals are big enough that you're getting 4-5 hours easily between meals -- for many people, that's enough to make it so they don't need snacks at all.  Are you having 1-2 palm-sized portions of protein, 1-2 thumb-sized servings of fat (or other alternatives for olives or avocado, etc., as listed on the meal template), and a plate full of vegetables (one cup minimum, aim for closer to three cups at most meals)?

If that's not possible right now with the morning sickness, then making a mini-meal of protein, fat, and vegetables is actually what we'd recommend. Meatballs, grilled chicken, fajita-type beef in strips, burger patties, or frittatas/egg casseroles all would be fairly easy to eat proteins that you can eat hot or cold. Obviously, cut up raw vegetables like carrots, celery, tomato, bell pepper are easy, but you could also make up a big container of potato salad or coleslaw or even soup of some kind with lots of vegetables -- a decent thermos would keep it warm for hours, if you don't have time to reheat it.

Really, anything you're eating for meals that seems portable enough to you would work great.


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Unfortunately, I don't have the option of not eating between between meals. I eat a pretty large breakfast I would say 1. 3 eggs omelette with 3 pieces compliant bacon and a bunch of veggies. But I'm still hungry or sick or exhausted two hours later. My meals are definitely on par with the size that I ate while I did my actual Whole30 and were able to hold me over easily for 5-6 hours (and actually I prefer that). But pregnancy is a whole different bag of crazy. Plus, my snack problem is this. 1. It really needs to be something cold and 2. It really needs to not be something that doesn't require silverware as I really need to snack on it while I'm seeing clients. So I know it's a tall order, but if anyone can help me with ideas in this area, I would be extremely grateful. I'm stumped. Today I was just was a zombie from 2-5 and then was thankful my husband made food because otherwise I just would have gone to sleep without eating dinner. It was that bad. 

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Salmon cakes!! I dip it in mayo with Frank's red hot sauce all the time. Add some sugar snap peas or carrots for a mini or full meal. They are great cold too! Maybe see if you can find a nut free or AIP version? I also have done tuna or protein salad with veggies. Basically anything I'd eat for a meal but smaller. Hope that helps. 

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How Whole30-ish does your doctor want you to be? While it is not Whole30 compliant, cheese was my mainstay snack while I was pregnant (especially in my first trimester). Though this was before my Whole30, which I'm only on Day 2 of and I have a 10 month old.

I don't know how this would affect your histamine reactions.

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Sorry to hear about your condition. Best wishes for you and your little one (and of course for the rest of your family).

I might try a variation on jmcbn's idea. Make a gazpacho type soup (something that can be done cold) and bring it in a thermos. Should stay cold and it shouldn't need silverware. I imagine you could also add some shredded chicken to it increase the protein content. I've never made a gazpacho myself, so I'm guessing a bit here.

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How many days in are you with eating this way? If not far, that could be why you have a drop in energy. I get to the bone tired for a while when I do a Whole30.

Can you eat lunch meat or beef roast wrapped veggies? Those are simple and can be eaten with fingers. 

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