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Saturday i have a heavy training session at 6.45am. I have a sensitive tum but if I don't eat pre-wo beforehand I will conk out (i don't want to eat breakfast as I will probably throw it up!)


can anyone recommend some quick and easy pre-wo snacks, and how early should I take them? I'll be waking up about 5.30am. And also, for po-WO, I have tried a can of tuna but I don't find it very palatable! any recommendations here too? :)

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PreWO should be protein & fat. Most people opt for boiled eggs as they're quick & easy and cover both bases. I find if I soft boil the egg they're much easier to digest. Some people opt to take just fat - and for this it works well to eat the egg yolks and save the whites for post. Or some nut butter would do - this would be just about the only time I'd recommend eating nut butter from a spoon.... Nut butter IMO is much easier digested than actual nuts.

PostWO should be a lean protein & starchy carb - the favourite being some roast chicken & sweet potato as they both work well at room temp.

This topic has been discussed at length on the forums so if you're looking for other ideas have a browse through the forum or run a search via Google for something like 'Whole30 post workout meals' or similar and you should come up with links to loads of previous threads on the subject.


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