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Day 92

mostly compliant plan

M1: yogurt and gluten free granola

I knew this would be a late breakfast and thought it would be a good time to try this out since it would mean a shorter time till lunch. I didn't feel much ill effect from the yogurt but it did leave me hungry shortly after eating. IF I do this again  I will at least add a couple of hard boiled eggs.

M2: More stew and cornbread...Yum

M3: don't know because we eat at church and depending on what they serve I eat after

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Also for the last few days despite not having the best sleep I have been having more energy and ability to get some stuff done. My tummy has been processing food better and I am really avoiding specifically gluten which I think is helping in several areas such as digestion. bloat, mood, brain fog, and general wellness

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Okay...I am struggling with falling down the final bit of the cliff. As I look at my food logs there are improvements from my prewhole30 eating, however I see that instead of incorporating rice, corn and other things as well I seem to be replacing veggies with them. This is not helping me even though I don't feel terribly bad. My husband told me I am looking more bloated regularly again (in a loving not insulting way). I am still avoiding as much gluten as I can (not reading every label but avoiding all obvious sources) I am gaining weight instead of losing. I fear losing all the progress I had made and am not sure how quickly I can fix it with holidays and all. I don't want to go backwards. Oh yeah I have not kept up water intake...the reason is so silly too. When I go back to drinking enough water I will have to go to the bathroom in the night again for a few weeks and I thought I saw a mouse in my bathroom and don't want to go in there at night (I don't even think I really saw one). So how silly is that. Not drinking enough water for my health because of a (likely imaginary) mouse...

I don't know....it shouldn't be a struggle but it is.

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I'm still gong and staying "mostly" compliant, still gluten free as possible. I am so busy its hard to keep up with a log but I will continue to try. I am struggling with hidden gluten I think. Need to do more research on that.

So if I continue counting today is day 99. But I really need to plan a reset, hopefully in January I will

M1: gluten free granola with soy yogurt, need to get back to better "real" food for breakfast

not even sure just found out that the veggies I brought for a side have gluten... so not sure what my other meals will be

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