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Mayo by Hand is Easy!


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Today I didn't feel like fussing with the blender, so I decided to try making mayo by whisking it by hand. Wow... ridiculously easy, and I didn't have to wash the blender afterward. Better yet, I didn't lose a drop of that precious nectar transferring it from the mixing bowl to the storage container! Win.

I always warm my egg by putting the whole thing in a container of hot water for a few minutes before mixing, and I use extra light olive oil. I add the lemon juice after the mixture is emulsified. I have to say, this is one of the best things I've learned on Whole 30!


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Sure! It's in the Whole 30 book, or right here: <http://whole30.com/2014/05/mayo/>

One odd thing is that we went away for a week, and when we got back the mayo had separated and gotten kind of funny. Maybe that hasn't happened before because normally the stuff doesn't last too long around here; I eat it up within a week or two. But this week I went back to the blender method, and it turned out beautifully. I guess I'll keep experimenting.

Good luck; I love the stuff!


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