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Whining about wine....


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So I finished my W30 about a month ago, then got married and went to Europe and fell off the wagon in grand style. Back for 2 weeks, eating paleo but not W30. Autoimmune symptoms that had disappeared (nighttime asthma, dandruff, scaly red face, fatigue/stiffness) have come back now and I've come to the realization that I need to do some more whole eating, whether it's a W7, 14, 30... long enough to clear things back up and do proper reintroduction this time.

My difficult spot is wine. I like my glass or two of wine a few days a week, and it was the only thing I missed at all during my Whole30. Most days I didn't really think about it, but come Friday I just wanted to have a drink with my husband and unwind, it was really hard to abstain with friends as well. I know I can't be the only one with this issue, any advice on how to manage this particular craving is appreciated....

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I just started my W30 and today was the completion of Day 4. Wine for me too is the one thing I miss. I was fine during the week, but just as you mention the weekend is upon us and I know I will have additional challenges.. I feel pretty strong, but I know there will social situations this weekend that will be difficult. Congratulations on getting married and enjoying a great trip to Europe!

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I love a good red wine, and have missed it for these past 20 days. However, when I do enjoy A glass again, I know I will appreciate it that much more.

I used to think the fact it was a Friday was a great reason to have a glass (or 2) which then extended to the weekend, which then lead to 7 days a week and a martini or two thrown in for good measure.

You can indeed make it for 30 days again without it. You can still look into your husband's eyes and hold his hand without the wine there.

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@joydonat - thank you! And thanks Wholelottachange, glad I'm not alone here, and I've noticed the same thing about Saturdays - no big deal. It's that end of the week ritual/habit that's really hard to break.

I understand that I can "suck it up"and just not drink it as before, that I can hang out with my husband without wine, same with friends, etc. - this is obvious. I just know that people have mentioned other tricks to curb other cravings (such as a spoon of cocunut butter to curb the evening snack dragon, etc.) so am wondering if anyone has comparable advice for curbing the wine dragon.

An interesting side note, when I had my first glass of wine after my previous Whole stint, it was very anticlimactic. It actually tasted a lot like vinegar to me. I don't know whether it was the wine or my taste had changed. Although a few days later when I had my second glass it tasted much better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on day 27 of my Whole 37 (started a week before my support group) and wine is one of the harder things for me too. I would usually only drink 4-5 glasses a month so it wasn't much of a habit, but man it makes me sad to have some wonderful steak dinners with no red wine!

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I've done three Whole30s now (well really 2 and a Whole20), and wine/cocktails is probably the thing I missed most. I was really just a 3-4 drinks/week kind of person, never into binge drinking or heavy consumption, but, it's still a little bit of an addiction and you do just have to tough it out and break it. There's no real substitute. Now I drink Crio Bru (a brewed cocoa drink, compliant) in the evenings when I might have had wine, or I have a good tea that I like. When I've been between Whole30s, I've gone back to drinking some alcohol and I appreciate it when I have it but it's not as compelling as it used to be.

The craving will slow down but you have to not give into it for a while, just like sugar.

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Now I drink Crio Bru (a brewed cocoa drink, compliant) in the evenings

Ye gods and little fishes, I looked up Crio Bru and I am positively drooling :blink: I'd love to try it but no one sells it in Europe :angry: so I'd have to order from US. I'd like to try them all :) but definitely can't afford that so any tips on which to try, how you make it etc.? Pretty please?

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