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Whole30 & Sunburn


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I know I know, I could have prevented this sunburn.  I don't know why I was so careless, I'm usually very good about this, but this past weekend I got a somewhat bad sunburn....and it really didn't hurt at all.  At other points I would have been tortured by this sunburn. I'm on DAY 37 of a Whole60....do you think that plays a role in hardly feeling it at all?

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Sunburn is a form of body inflammation - so a highly inflammatory diet will cause skin to "inflame" readily and easily.

I am very fair skinned and I don't tan. This means I burn (usually within 20 min or less) and then I turn glow-in-the-dark white again.  This year - I actually tanned.  I burned a few times - but rather than suffering for days afterwards - the day afterwards I literally had nothing show for it or anything to truly complain about. 

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