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I live in central Wisconsin. Farm/ dairy country. Thought I'd die without it. Not craving is all all! It is a miracle! I am 205# Started 11# heavier. Yay! NSVs abound. Not addicted to the scale, content with real food, just feel better. I have struggled with so very much joint pain and still do. I'm not finished. I have hypothyroidism and celiac disease. I see the inflammation common denominator. A couple of things, on reintroduction. I have always enjoyed kielbasa, venison sausage, bacon, ham, lunch meat. All cured with sugar. I never feel I'll loose control with these but just enjoyed as part of my diet. I formerly was strictly low carb with any meat being ok. I'm learning here. Should I continue  to abstain? I get it that sugar leads to addictive behavior. But if in these cured meats it doesn't elicit that response are they ok in moderation?

Also, how do I find support in my area? 

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I'm having similar concerns over here in the Twin Cities. I am on day 28 and plan to do a strict reintroduction, as I am looking for trigger foods for an autoimmune disorder. I would think that if your brain doesn't associate meats with your carb cravings that it is fine. The trace amounts of sugar in cured meat shouldn't send you into a carb binge. For me personally, I'm more concerned about growth hormones and antibiotics in meat than sugar.

For support, I've found friends and family to be incredibly supportive when I explain that I'm trying to resolve health issues... but it is nice to have a few friends who've actually done the program to go to with concerns. This forum is helpful. 

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@Martint - congrats on a successful Whole30+! The meats that are cured with sugar generally speaking, do not send people's sugar dragon roaring into action. But.........that is a personal test that you should do. Test the meats you want to eat, make note of any reactions you have, if cravings pop up, if you want more-more-more, if you find yourself chewing through the house at 11 at night. These are all signs of increased sugar dragon activity. Most people can handle the small amount of sugar in a cured meat product but do test it.

What sort of support are you looking for? Face to face? Nutrition? 


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Ok these responses confirmed what I was thinking. Abstaining from sugar is mainly to keep craving and uncontrollable eating at bay. I sure can't see myself going bonkers on turkey kielbasa!  Id like some local support.  Everyone in my dairy state world is confused about what I am doing.  if I explain it as a 'diet' I get that 'here we go AGAIN'  feeling.  When I explain that the REAL reason for my dietary oddness is for inflammation and joint pain they seem to be more accepting. I don't know how to handle things socially quite yet,  A dinner invite to someones house is awkward.  There is no one in my immediate world that get this. I love the way I feel eating this way and am in it for the long haul. Im looking forward to more pain relief as I continue on.

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@Martint - I think your absolute best course of action is going to be specific and structured reintroduction of foods. If you do a reintroduction and you find out that dairy causes you immense stomach pain, when your dairy-pushing friends and family offer it to you, you will have an understanding within yourself of how it would go. "No thank you, I'd love to but xyz really doesn't agree with my stomach/skin/mood.". Or, alternately, maybe whatever reactions you might have are something you feel you are willing to put up with because whatever it is is "worth it" to you. Only you can know this and only by doing reintroductions.

Know that you don't even really have to explain much of anything. Comments to offers of dairy such as "no, but thank you for the offer" or "not right now, but thanks" or "I've found that I feel best when I don't eat dairy, but thank you, it looks delicious". These are ways that you can take personal responsibility for your decisions without having to make excuses or lay out a long and drawn out explanation. 

Just 10 minutes ago my field crew came in and asked if I wanted them to bring me back some pizza. My answer "Oh, so sweet, but no thanks, I brought my lunch". When that didn't work my answer was then "You guys are the best. I'm gonna decline today though, but thank you!". No discussion of gas, bloating, mood swings, painful poops, skin rashes or self-flaggelation. Just....no, but thanks!

Hope that helps!

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