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Ontario people! (mucho burrito)


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I heard that some of the chipotle burrito bowls were acceptable and that chain is mostly in the states. I am in Ontario and we have something called mucho burrito which is somewhat similar. They also have burrito bowls and I was curious if any of their meat is acceptable to get with the other fresh veggie ingredients?

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For any restaurant, you have to do some research and find out, and you should really learn to do this yourself, not trust what people on the internet might say.

Google the restaurant, find their website, see what information you can find about ingredients. You can probably find information about allergens like soy or dairy, and that gives you a place to start, but unless they specifically list every ingredient in a dish, you still have to ask about things that aren't allergens, like sugar in the marinades, carrageenan, or MSG. You are responsible for what you choose to eat, and therefore you need to check at the location you'll be eating at what they use so you know what you're getting.


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