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Whole30 - Day 23


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Hi, everyone! I just found out about this forum and thought I would join the group :) I'm on day 23 of Whole30 and feeling awesome. The hardest part has been prepping meals (especially because I'm on the go A LOT for work...but I've found that keeping RX bars and epic bars, along with the individual almond bags from trader joes are helpful. 

But, I'm going to a conference starting Sunday and a little worried about what to eat while I'm there as the lunch options are predetermined. Any suggestions?



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Are you staying at home and going to the conference, or going out of town to go? If you're at home, just pack a lunch for yourself each day. If you're out of town, that might be harder to do, but you still can -- take cans or pouches of tuna or salmon, packs of olives for fat, and hardy vegetables that will keep well without refrigeration, like carrots, cherry tomatoes, celery, sliced peppers. If there's some reason you absolutely cannot take food in, you're going to have to talk to the people in charge of catering the event to find out what your options are.

You might find some of the suggestions in this article helpful.

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