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Whole 30 Round 2 - January 9th


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Just wanted to publicly commit to my second Whole 30, which I will be starting on January 9th, 2017. I completed my first Whole 30 in June of 2015 and my relationship with food was forever changed. At the time, I was 31 and at the biggest weight of my life. I was always tired and my days revolved around my meals, which were mostly at restaurants. A friend at work was doing Whole 30 and got me interested, so I did my research and decided to give it a go. The hardest part was having a boyfriend that wasn't interested in doing it with me, so bad food remained in the house. I would say the single biggest factor for success in the program was meal planning. Emergencies are what will get you so ALWAYS have an approved Rx bar, Larabar, or EPIC bar around. After my first round I dropped about 12 pounds and kept it off by remaining "mostly" Paleo. When I say mostly I mean that there are still times I will eat queso, drink beer, and enjoy a huge cheeseburger. Everything in moderation.  

I'm excited for my second round and this time my boyfriend is actually attempting it with me(which should be interesting). I am hoping to drop a couple more pounds while learning something new about how my body functions best. 

Best of luck to everyone!

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