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Thailand On Reintroduction Day 16-All for Nothing?? Help:(


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Hi everyone! 

I'm going on a 3-week trip to Thailand, and the first day of my travel out of the U.S. will fall on day 16 of my reintroduction phase. This will be my first Whole 30, and I really, really do not want to hold off on starting - I know myself, and if I tell myself I'll start right after I come back from my trip, it probably won't ever happen. I need to do this while my motivation is high rather than continuously put it off (like I've been doing for the past year and a half, since I first read about Whole 30). However, starting when I'm planning to begin will give me the full 30 days for the elimination phase, but leaves me only 15 days for the reintroduction phase, and I'm wondering if doing Whole 30 will even be worth my time if I only leave myself these two weeks to reintroduce foods. 

Is there anything I can do to prepare to successfully reintroduce foods while in Thailand? Or should I attempt to reintroduce foods within those short two weeks? I've never been to Thailand before, so I really have no idea what the food is like there or what will be accessible at any point in time. I am at a loss for ideas and a bit discouraged. Any advice at all would be so appreciated!



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I would do your Whole30. You only need 10 days to do the standard reintroduction (here), so you could do the regular reintro and have some idea of what things most affect you, so you would know if anything made you feel so awful you wanted to avoid it in Thailand.

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